Ярлыки, файловые ассоциации, расширения
Code: |
program del;
uses ShellApi;
//function SHFileOperation(const lpFileOp: TSHFileOpStruct): Integer; stdcall;
var T: TSHFileOpStruct; P: string; begin P := 'C:\Windows\System\EL_CONTROL.CPL'; with T do begin Wnd := 0; wFunc := FO_DELETE; pFrom := Pchar(P); fFlags := FOF_ALLOWUNDO end; SHFileOperation(T); end. |
- Подробности
- Родительская категория: Windows
- Категория: Ярлыки, файловые ассоциации, расширения
Code: |
Unit Associations; { Subset }
Procedure RegisterFiletype( Const extension, filetype, description, verb: String; params: String ); Procedure RegisterFileIcon( Const filetype, iconsource: String; iconindex: Cardinal ); Function FiletypeIsRegistered( Const extension, filetype: String ): Boolean;
Uses Windows, Classes, SysUtils, Registry;
ResourceString eCannotCreateKey = 'Cannot create key %s, the user account may not have the required '+ 'rights to create registry keys under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.';
Type ERegistryError = Class( Exception );
{+------------------------------------------------------------ | Procedure CreateKey |Видимость: ограничен блоком | Описание: | Это вспомогательная функция, которая использует переданный reg объект | для создания раздела реестра. | условия возникновения ошибок: | Если ключ не может быть создан - сработает исключение ERegistryError | +------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure CreateKey( reg: TRegistry; Const keyname: String ); Begin If not reg.OpenKey( keyname, True ) Then raise ERegistryError.CreateFmt( eCannotCreateKey, [keyname] ); End; { CreateKey }
{+------------------------------------------------------------ | Procedure InternalRegisterFiletype | | Parameters : | extension : file extension, including the dot, to register | filetype : string to use as key for the file extension | description: string to show in Explorer for files with this | extension. If description is empty the file | type will not show up in Explorers list of | registered associations! | verb : action to register, 'open', 'edit', 'print' etc. | The action will turn up as entry in the files | context menu in Explorer. | serverapp : full pathname of the executable to associate with | the file extension, including any command line | switches. Include the "%1" placeholder as well. | Actions like printto may require more than one | placeholder. | Visibility : restricted to unit | Description: | Creates the three basic registry keys for a file extension. | HKCR\<extension> = <filetype> | HKCR\<filetype> = <description> | HKCR\<filetype>\shell\<verb>\command = <serverapp> | If the keys already exist they are overwritten! | Error Conditions: | A ERegistryError exception will result if a key cannot be | created. Failure to create a key is usually due to insufficient | user rights and only a problem on NT. | Created: by P. Below +------------------------------------------------------------}
Procedure InternalRegisterFiletype( Const extension, filetype, description, verb, serverapp: String ); Var reg: TRegistry; keystring: String; Begin reg:= TRegistry.Create; Try reg.Rootkey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; CreateKey( reg, extension ); reg.WriteString( '', filetype ); reg.CloseKey; CreateKey( reg, filetype ); reg.WriteString('', description ); reg.closekey; keystring := Format('%s\shell\%s\command', [filetype, verb] ); CreateKey( reg, keystring ); reg.WriteString( '', serverapp); reg.CloseKey; Finally reg.free; End; End; { InternalRegisterFiletype }
{+------------------------------------------------------------ [OBJECT] | Procedure RegisterFiletype [OBJECT] | | Parameters : | extension : file extension, including the dot, to register | filetype : string to use as key for the file extension | description: string to show in Explorer for files with this | extension. If description is empty the file | type will not show up in Explorers list of | registered associations! | verb : action to register, 'open', 'edit', 'print' etc. | The action will turn up as entry in the files | context menu in Explorer. | params : The command line parameters to pass to the | app when a file action is requested. If this | parameter is empty "%1" is used by default. | Visibility : exported from unit | Description: | Builds the commandline to use from the applications filename | and the passed params and hands the rest of the work off to | InternalRegisterFiletype. | Error Conditions: none | Created: by P. Below +------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure RegisterFiletype( Const extension, filetype, description, verb: String; params: String ); Begin If Length(params) = 0 Then params := '"%1"'; InternalRegisterFiletype( extension, filetype, description, verb, ParamStr(0) + ' ' + params ); End; { RegisterFiletype }
{+------------------------------------------------------------ | Procedure RegisterFileIcon | | Parameters : | filetype : file type key name to register the icon for | iconsource: full pathname of the executable or ICO file | that contains the icon | iconindex : index of the icon to use, if several are containd | in iconsource. Counts from 0! | Visibility : exported from unit | Description: | Creates the registry keys required to tell Explorer which icon | to display for files of this type. RegisterFileType needs | to be called first to associate the filetype with an extension. | The registry key added is | HKCR\<filetype>\DefaultIcon = <iconsource>,<iconindex> | If the key already exists it is overwritten! | The icon specified should contain both large (32*32) and small | (16*16) versions of the icon, to optain optimal display | quality. If only one icon format is present Windows will | generate the other from it. | Error Conditions: | A ERegistryError exception will result if a key cannot be | created. Failure to create a key is usually due to insufficient | user rights and only a problem on NT. | Error Conditions: none | Created: by P. Below +------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure RegisterFileIcon( Const filetype, iconsource: String; iconindex: Cardinal ); Var reg: TRegistry; keystring: String; Begin reg:= TRegistry.Create; Try reg.Rootkey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; keystring := Format( '%s\DefaultIcon',[filetype] ); CreateKey( reg, keystring ); reg.WriteString( '', Format( '%s,%d', [iconsource,iconindex] )); reg.CloseKey; Finally reg.free; End; End; { RegisterFileIcon }
{+------------------------------------------------------------ [OBJECT] | Function FiletypeIsRegistered [OBJECT] | | Parameters : | extension : file extension, including the dot, to search for | filetype : string to use as key for the file extension | Returns : True if this application is registered as server | for the 'open' action, false otherwise. | Visibility : exported from unit | Description: | Checks if there is a registry entry for the passed extension, | if it is associated with the expected file type and if this | application is registered as server for the 'open' action. | Error Conditions: none | Created: by P. Below +------------------------------------------------------------} Function FiletypeIsRegistered( Const extension, filetype: String ): Boolean; Var reg: TRegistry; keystring: String; Begin Result := False; reg:= TRegistry.Create; Try reg.Rootkey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; If reg.OpenKey(extension, false) Then Begin { Extension is registered, check filetype } keystring := reg.ReadString(''); reg.Closekey; If CompareText( keystring, filetype) = 0 Then Begin { Filetype is registered for this extension, check server. } keystring := Format( '%s\shell\open\command',[filetype] ); If reg.OpenKey( keystring, false ) Then Begin { Command key exists, but is this app the server? } keystring := UpperCase( reg.ReadString('')); reg.CloseKey; If Pos( UpperCase(ParamStr(0)), keystring ) = 1 Then Begin { Yes, server matches! } Result := True; End; { If } End; { If } End; { If } End; { If } Finally reg.free; End; End; { FiletypeIsRegistered } End { Unit Associations }. |
- Подробности
- Родительская категория: Windows
- Категория: Ярлыки, файловые ассоциации, расширения
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