Открытие сокращённого или полного диалога выбора цвета. Вид диалога зависит от того, можно ли показать начальный цвет (C : TColor)
в сокращённом диалоге или нужно раскрывать его полностью. Возвращает выбранный пользователем цвет.
Code: |
unit Unit1;
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, CommDlg;
type TMySaveDialog = class(TSaveDialog) protected procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); override; end;
TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); end;
var Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TMySaveDialog.WndProc(var Message: TMessage); const X = 10; Y = 30; begin with Message do begin if ((Msg = WM_NOTIFY) and (POFNotify(LParam)^.hdr.code = CDN_INITDONE)) or ((Msg = WM_UPDATEUISTATE) and (WParamLo = UIS_SET)) then begin if Owner is TForm then SetWindowPos(GetParent(Handle), HWND_TOP, X, Y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE); end else inherited; end end;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin TMySaveDialog.Create(Self).Execute; end;
end. |
Автор: Александр (Rouse_) Багель
Если покопаться в фирменных "Дельфовых" примерах, можно найти ГОРАЗДО более удачную конструкцию (которую, кстати, я уже давно использую).
Еще раз подчеркну - это не моя придумка, а ребят из Борланда.
Эта конструкция позволяет:
· | Возвращать ЛЮБЫЕ значения; |
· | ДИНАМИЧЕСКИ создавать форму; |
· | Еще куча всяких "бонусов", просто лень описывать :-) |
Итак, смотрим исходники...
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{ If you are developing network software for Windows NT, you usually need to ask the user to select a computer or domain he wants to connect/login. }
function SystemFocusDialog(hwndOwner: HWND; dwSelectionFlag: UINT; wszName: PWideChar; dwBufSize: DWORD; var bOKPressed: Boolean; wszHelpFile: PWideChar; dwContextHelpId: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall; external 'ntlanman.dll' Name 'I_SystemFocusDialog';
function ComputerBrowser(hWndParent: HWND; wCompName: PWideChar; dwBufLen: DWORD): Boolean; var dwError: DWORD; begin Result := False; dwError := SystemFocusDialog(hWndParent, FOCUSDLG_SERVERS_DOMAINS or FOCUSDLG_BROWSE_ALL_DOMAINS, wCompName, dwBufLen, Result, nil, 0); if dwError <> NO_ERROR then Exit; end;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var wCompName: array [0..MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1] of WideChar; begin if ComputerBrowser(0, wCompName, MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1) then ShowMessage(wCompName) else ShowMessage('no computer selected'); end;
// Show the ServerBrowseDialogA0 Dialog
type TServerBrowseDialogA0 = function(hwnd: HWND; pchBuffer: Pointer; cchBufSize: DWORD): bool; stdcall;
function ShowServerDialog(AHandle: THandle): string; var ServerBrowseDialogA0: TServerBrowseDialogA0; LANMAN_DLL: DWORD; buffer: array[0..1024] of char; bLoadLib: Boolean; begin LANMAN_DLL := GetModuleHandle('NTLANMAN.DLL'); if LANMAN_DLL = 0 then begin LANMAN_DLL := LoadLibrary('NTLANMAN.DLL'); bLoadLib := True; end; if LANMAN_DLL <> 0 then begin @ServerBrowseDialogA0 := GetProcAddress(LANMAN_DLL, 'ServerBrowseDialogA0'); DialogBox(HInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(101), AHandle, nil); ServerBrowseDialogA0(AHandle, @buffer, 1024); if buffer[0] = '\' then begin Result := buffer; end; if bLoadLib then FreeLibrary(LANMAN_DLL); end; end;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin label1.Caption := ShowServerDialog(Form1.Handle); end; |
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// If an application asks user to select an icon, it's // more convenient for the user to see list of files as // large icons instead of small icons. Also, for selecting // an image file, user will be happier to choose an image // by seeing the thumbnails.
// The standard file dialog initialy shows the files in // the LIST (small icon) style, and there is no documented // way to change this behavior. So, if user wants to see // the file list in another style, she/he should change // it manually by selecting the desired view style form // the provided popup menu.
// Here is a workaround for this limitation to select the // reasonable view style for a file dialog.
type TFileViewStyle = (fvsIcons, fvsList, fvsDetails, fvsThumbnails, fvsTiles);
function SetFileDialogViewStyle(Handle: THandle; ViewStyle: TFileViewStyle): Boolean; const CommandIDs: array[TFileViewStyle] of Word = ($7029, $702B, $702C, $702D, $702E); var NotifyWnd: THandle; begin Result := False; NotifyWnd := FindWindowEx(GetParent(Handle), 0, 'SHELLDLL_DefView', nil); if NotifyWnd <> 0 then begin SendMessage(NotifyWnd, WM_COMMAND, CommandIDs[ViewStyle], 0); Result := True; end; end;
// Each time the file dialog opens, the above function should // be called to set the desired view style. The OnShow event // of the file dialogs seems to be the right place for this // purpose, however at that time the list is not created yet // and the function fails.
// When the file list is created, the dialog raises two events: // OnFolderChange and OnSelectionChange events. We can use one // of these events for our purpose. However, we have to consider // that the function should be called just once for each show.
// Here is a sample usage of the introduced function:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin OpenDialog1.Tag := 0; OpenDialog1.Execute; end;
procedure TForm1.OpenDialog1FolderChange(Sender: TObject); begin if OpenDialog1.Tag = 0 then begin SetFileDialogViewStyle(OpenDialog1.Handle, fvsIcons) OpenDialog1.Tag := 1; end; end; |
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uses ComObj;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var ShellApplication: Variant; begin ShellApplication := CreateOleObject('Shell.Application'); ShellApplication.FileRun; end;
{ This code uses the undocumented RunFileDlg function to show the "run" dialog } // For Win NT procedure RunFileDlgW(OwnerWnd: HWND; Icon: HICON; lpstrDirectory: PWideChar; lpstrTitle: PWideChar; lpstrDescription: PWideChar; Flags: Longint); stdcall; external 'Shell32.dll' Index 61; // For Win 9x (Win NT to show standard captions ) procedure RunFileDlg(OwnerWnd: HWND; Icon: HICON; lpstrDirectory: PChar; lpstrTitle: PChar; lpstrDescription: PChar; Flags: Longint); stdcall; external 'Shell32.dll' Index 61; const RFF_NOBROWSE = 1; //Removes the browse button. RFF_NODEFAULT = 2; // No default item selected. RFF_CALCDIRECTORY = 4; // Calculates the working directory from the file name. RFF_NOLABEL = 8; // Removes the edit box label. RFF_NOSEPARATEMEM = 14; // Removes the Separate Memory Space check box (Windows NT only). function ShowRunFileDialg(OwnerWnd: HWND; InitialDir, Title, Description: PChar; flags: Integer; StandardCaptions: Boolean): Boolean; var HideBrowseButton: Boolean; TitleWideChar, InitialDirWideChar, DescriptionWideChar: PWideChar; Size: Integer; begin if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and not StandardCaptions then begin Size := SizeOf(WideChar) * MAX_PATH; InitialDirWideChar := nil; TitleWideChar := nil; DescriptionWideChar := nil; GetMem(InitialDirWideChar, Size); GetMem(TitleWideChar, Size); GetMem(DescriptionWideChar, Size); StringToWideChar(InitialDir, InitialDirWideChar, MAX_PATH); StringToWideChar(Title, TitleWideChar, MAX_PATH); StringToWideChar(Description, DescriptionWideChar, MAX_PATH); try RunFileDlgW(OwnerWnd, 0, InitialDirWideChar, TitleWideChar, DescriptionWideChar, Flags); finally FreeMem(InitialDirWideChar); FreeMem(TitleWideChar); FreeMem(DescriptionWideChar); end; end else RunFileDlg(OwnerWnd, 0, PChar(InitialDir), PChar(Title), PChar(Description), Flags); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ShowRunFileDialg(FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', nil), nil, nil, nil, RFF_NOBROWSE, True); end; |
Code: |
{ >> Процедуры для открытия диалогового окна "Свойства Экрана"
Зависимости: ShellApi Автор: Gua, Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра., ICQ:141585495, Simferopol Copyright: Gua
********************************************** }
// Открытие диалогового окна "Display Properties" procedure DisplayPropertiesWindow; begin ShellExecute(0,'open',Pchar('rundll32.exe'),'shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL Desk.cpl', nil, SW_normal); end;
// Открытие диалогового окна "Display Properties" с закладкой Desktop procedure DisplayPropertiesWindow_Desktop; begin ShellExecute(0,'open',Pchar('rundll32.exe'),'shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL Desk.cpl @0,0', nil, SW_normal); end;
// Открытие диалогового окна "Display Properties" с закладкой Screen Saver procedure DisplayPropertiesWindow_ScreenSaver; begin ShellExecute(0,'open',Pchar('rundll32.exe'),'shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL Desk.cpl @0,1', nil, SW_normal); end;
// Открытие диалогового окна "Display Properties" с закладкой Settings procedure DisplayPropertiesWindow_Settings; begin ShellExecute(0,'open',Pchar('rundll32.exe'),'shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL Desk.cpl @0,3', nil, SW_normal); end; |
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