З.Ы. Пристегните (uses CoolHint) к любой форме с hint'ами и любуйтесь подсказками.
Code: |
unit CoolHint
uses Windows, Classes, Controls, Forms, Messages, Graphics type TddgHintWindow = class(THintWindow) private FRegion: THandle procedure FreeCurrentRegion public destructor Destroy override procedure ActivateHint(Rect: TRect const AHint: string);override ; procedure Paint; override ; procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override ; end
destructor TddgHintWindow.Destroy begin FreeCurrentRegion; inherited Destroy; end
procedure TddgHintWindow.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams) { We need to remove the border created on the Windows API-level } { when the window is created. } begin inherited CreateParams(Params) ; Params.Style := Params.Style and not ws_Border // remove border ; end;
procedure TddgHintWindow.FreeCurrentRegion { Regions, like other API objects, should be freed when you are } { through using them. Note, however, that you cannot delete a } { region which is currently set in a window, so this method sets } { the window region to 0 before deleting the region object. } begin if FRegion <>0 then begin // if Region is alive... SetWindowRgn(Handle, 0, True) // set win region to 0 DeleteObject(FRegion) // FRegion := 0 // zero out field end end
procedure TddgHintWindow.ActivateHint(Rect: TRect const AHint: string); { Called when the hint is activated by putting the mouse pointer } { above a control. } begin with Rect do Right := Right + Canvas.TextWidth('WWWW') // add some slop BoundsRect := Rect FreeCurrentRegion with BoundsRect do { Create a round rectangular region to display the hint window } FRegion := CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, Width, Height, Width, Height) if FRegion <>0 then SetWindowRgn(Handle, FRegion, True) // set win region inherited ActivateHint(Rect, AHint) // call inherited end procedure TddgHintWindow.Paint { This method gets called by the WM_PAINT handler. It is } { responsible for painting the hint window. } var R: TRect begin R := ClientRect // get bounding rectangle Inc(R.Left, 1) // move left side slightly Canvas.Font.Color := clInfoText // set to proper color { paint string in the center of the round rect } DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(Caption), Length(Caption), R, DT_NOPREFIX or DT_WORDBREAK or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER) end
var OldHintClass: THintWindowClass
function SetNewHintClass(AClass: THintWindowClass): THintWindowClass var DoShowHint: Boolean begin Result := HintWindowClass // return value is old hint window DoShowHint := Application.ShowHint if DoShowHint then Application.ShowHint := False // destroy old hint window HintWindowClass := AClass // assign new hint window if DoShowHint then Application.ShowHint := True // create new hint window end initialization OldHintClass := SetNewHintClass(TddgHintWindow) finalization SetNewHintClass(OldHintClass) end. |
Borland Delphi 4, Руководство разработчика", К. Пачеко и С. Тейксер
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