Использование клавиш для управления компонентами
Автор: Robert Wittig
Так, если у меня есть своего рода кнопка (check, radio, speed и т.п.), то почему я не могу с помощью клавиш курсора управлять ею?
После некоторых экспериметов я создал метод, который привожу ниже, способный перехватывать в форме все нажатые клавиши позиционирования и управлять ими выбранным в настоящий момент элементом управления. Имейте в виду, что элементы управления (кроме компонентов Label) должны иметь возможность "выбираться". Для возможности выбрать GroupBox или другой компонент, удедитесь, что их свойство TabStop установлено в True. Вы можете переместить управление на GroupBox, но, так как он не выделяется целиком, узнать, что он действительно имеет управление, достаточно непросто. Если вам не нужно передавать управление в контейнерные элементы (нижеследующий код исходит из этого предположения), то вы можете управлять элементами, просто перемещая управление в сам GroupBox.
В нижеследующем коде FormActivate является обработчиком события формы OnActivate, тогда как ProcessFormMessages никакого отношения к событиям формы не имеет. Не забудьте поместить объявление процедуры ProcessFormMessages в секцию 'Private' класса вашей формы.
Надеюсь, что вам помог.
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procedure TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); begin { Делаем ссылку на нового обработчика сообщений } Application.OnMessage := ProcessFormMessages; end;
procedure tForm1.ProcessFormMessages(var Msg: tMsg; var Handled: Boolean); var Increment: Byte; TheControl: tWinControl; begin { проверка наличия системного сообщения KeyDown } case Msg.Message of WM_KEYDOWN: if Msg.wParam in [VK_UP, VK_DOWN, VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT] then begin { изменяем величину приращения взависимости от состояния клавиши Shift } if GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) and $80 = 0 then Increment := 8 else Increment := 1;
{ Этот код перемещает управление на родительский GroupBox, если один из его контейнерных элементов получает фокус. Если вам необходимо управлять элементами внутри контейнера, удалите блок IF и измените в блоке CASE TheControl на ActiveControl }
if (ActiveControl.Parent is tGroupBox) then TheControl := ActiveControl.Parent else TheControl := ActiveControl;
case Msg.wParam of VK_UP: TheControl.Top := TheControl.Top - Increment; VK_DOWN: TheControl.Top := TheControl.Top + Increment; VK_LEFT: TheControl.Left := TheControl.Left - Increment; VK_RIGHT: TheControl.Left := TheControl.Left + Increment; end;
{ сообщаем о том, что сообщение обработано } Handled := True; end; end; end; |
Как посылать нажатие клавиш в элемент управления
Ниже приведена процедура, позволяющаю отправлять нажатия в любой элемент управления (window control), способный принимать ввод с клавиатуры. Вы можете использовать эту технику чтобы включать клавиши NumLock, CapsLock и ScrollLock под Windows NT. Та же техника работает и под Windows 95 для CapsLock и ScrollLock но не работает для клавиши NumLock.
Обратите внимание, что приведены четыре поцедуры: SimulateKeyDown() - эмулировать нажатие клавиши (без отпускания) SimulateKeyUp() - эмулировать отпускание клавиши SimulateKeystroke() - эмулировать удар по клавише (нажатие и отпускание) и SendKeys(), позволяющие Вам гибко контролировать посылаемые сообщения клавиатуры.
SimulateKeyDown(), SimulateKeyUp() и SimulateKeystroke() получают коды виртуальных клавиш (virtural key) (вроде VK_F1). Процедура SimulateKeystroke() получает дополнительный параметр, полезный при эмуляции нажатия PrintScreen. Когда этот параметр равен нулю весь экран будет скопирован в буфер обмена (clipboard). Если дополнительный параметр равен 1 будет скопированно только активное окно.
Четыре метода "button click" демонстрируют использование: ButtonClick1 - включает capslock ButtonClick2 - перехватывает весь экран в буфер обмена (clipboard). ButtonClick3 - перехватывает активное окно в буфер обмена (clipboard). ButtonClick4 - устанавливает фокус в Edit и отправляет в него строку.
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procedure SimulateKeyDown(Key: byte); begin keybd_event(Key, 0, 0, 0); end;
procedure SimulateKeyUp(Key: byte); begin keybd_event(Key, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); end;
procedure SimulateKeystroke(Key: byte; extra: DWORD); begin keybd_event(Key, extra, 0, 0); keybd_event(Key, extra, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); end;
procedure SendKeys(s: string); var i: integer; flag: bool; w: word; begin {Get the state of the caps lock key} flag := not GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) and 1 = 0; {If the caps lock key is on then turn it off} if flag then SimulateKeystroke(VK_CAPITAL, 0); for i := 1 to Length(s) do begin w := VkKeyScan(s[i]); {If there is not an error in the key translation} if ((HiByte(w) $FF) and (LoByte(w) $FF)) then begin {If the key requires the shift key down - hold it down} if HiByte(w) and 1 = 1 then SimulateKeyDown(VK_SHIFT); {Send the VK_KEY} SimulateKeystroke(LoByte(w), 0); {If the key required the shift key down - release it} if HiByte(w) and 1 = 1 then SimulateKeyUp(VK_SHIFT); end; end; {if the caps lock key was on at start, turn it back on} if flag then SimulateKeystroke(VK_CAPITAL, 0); end;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin {Toggle the cap lock} SimulateKeystroke(VK_CAPITAL, 0); end;
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin {Capture the entire screen to the clipboard} {by simulating pressing the PrintScreen key} SimulateKeystroke(VK_SNAPSHOT, 0); end;
procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); begin {Capture the active window to the clipboard} {by simulating pressing the PrintScreen key} SimulateKeystroke(VK_SNAPSHOT, 1); end;
procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); begin {Set the focus to a window (edit control) and send it a string} Application.ProcessMessages; Edit1.SetFocus; SendKeys('Delphi World is REALY BEST'); end; |
Автор: Den is Com
К сожалению работает хорошо, только когда фокус у вызывающего окна, в противном случае может глючить
Code: |
procedure TForm1.SetKey(Key:Integer); begin keybd_event(Key,0,KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY or KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0); keybd_event(Key,0,KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY,0); keybd_event(Key,0,KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY or KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0); end; |
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Послать нажатие клавиш
Автор: Xavier Pacheco
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unit Main;
uses SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Menus;
type TForm1 = class(TForm) Edit1: TEdit; Edit2: TEdit; Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; MainMenu1: TMainMenu; File1: TMenuItem; Open1: TMenuItem; Exit1: TMenuItem; Button4: TButton; Button3: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Open1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Exit1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button4Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;
var Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.DFM}
uses SendKey, KeyDefs;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Edit1.SetFocus; // focus Edit1 SendKeys('^{DELETE}I love...'); // send keys to Edit1 WaitForHook; // let keys playback Perform(WM_NEXTDLGCTL, 0, 0); // move to Edit2 SendKeys('~delphi ~developers ~guide!'); // send keys to Edit2 end;
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var H: hWnd; PI: TProcessInformation; SI: TStartupInfo; begin FillChar(SI, SizeOf(SI), 0); SI.cb := SizeOf(SI); { Invoke notepad } if CreateProcess(nil, 'notepad', nil, nil, False, 0, nil, nil, SI, PI) then begin { wait until notepad is ready to receive keystrokes } WaitForInputIdle(PI.hProcess, INFINITE); { find new notepad window } H := FindWindow('Notepad', 'Untitled - Notepad'); if SetForegroundWindow(H) then // bring it to front SendKeys('Hello from the Delphi Developers Guide SendKeys ' + 'example!{ENTER}'); // send keys! end else MessageDlg(Format('Failed to invoke Notepad. Error code %d', [GetLastError]), mtError, [mbOk], 0); end;
procedure TForm1.Open1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage('Open'); end;
procedure TForm1.Exit1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end;
procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); begin WaitForInputIdle(GetCurrentProcess, INFINITE); SendKeys('@fx'); end;
procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin WaitForHook; end;
procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); begin WaitForInputIdle(GetCurrentProcess, INFINITE); SendKeys('@fo'); end;
end. |
Послать нажатие клавиш в программу Блокнот
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procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var wnd: HWND; i: Integer; s: string; begin wnd := FindWindow('notepad', nil); if wnd <> 0 then begin wnd := FindWindowEx(wnd, 0, 'Edit', nil);
// Write Text in Notepad. // Text ins Notepad schreiben. s := 'Hello'; for i := 1 to Length(s) do SendMessage(wnd, WM_CHAR, Word(s[i]), 0); // Simulate Return Key. PostMessage(wnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_RETURN, 0); // Simulate Space. PostMessage(wnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_SPACE, 0); end; end;
// To send keys to Wordpad: {...} wnd := FindWindow('WordPadClass', nil);
if wnd <> 0 then begin wnd := FindWindowEx(wnd, 0, 'RICHEDIT', nil); {...} |
Посылаем нажатия клавиш другому приложению
Компонент Sendkeys:
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unit SendKeys;
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;
type TSendKeys = class(TComponent) private fhandle: HWND; L: Longint; fchild: boolean; fChildText: string; procedure SetIsChildWindow(const Value: boolean); procedure SetChildText(const Value: string); procedure SetWindowHandle(const Value: HWND); protected
published procedure GetWindowHandle(Text: string); procedure SendKeys(buffer: string); property WindowHandle: HWND read fhandle write SetWindowHandle; property IsChildWindow: boolean read fchild write SetIsChildWindow; property ChildWindowText: string read fChildText write SetChildText; end;
procedure Register;
var temps: string; {й utilizado para ser acessivel pelas funcs q sao utilizadas como callbacks} HTemp: Hwnd; ChildText: string; ChildWindow: boolean;
procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Standard', [TSendKeys]); end;
{ TSendKeys }
function PRVGetChildHandle(H: HWND; L: Integer): LongBool; var p: pchar; I: integer; s: string; begin I := length(ChildText) + 2; GetMem(p, i + 1); SendMessage(H, WM_GetText, i, integer(p)); s := strpcopy(p, s); if pos(ChildText, s) <> 0 then begin HTemp := H; Result := False end else Result := True; FreeMem(p); end;
function PRVSendKeys(H: HWND; L: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; var s: string; i: integer; begin i := length(temps); if i <> 0 then begin SetLength(s, i + 2); GetWindowText(H, pchar(s), i + 2); if Pos(temps, string(s)) <> 0 then begin Result := false; if ChildWindow then EnumChildWindows(H, @PRVGetChildHandle, L) else HTemp := H; end else Result := True; end else Result := False; end;
procedure TSendKeys.GetWindowHandle(Text: string); begin temps := Text; ChildText := fChildText; ChildWindow := fChild; EnumWindows(@PRVSendKeys, L); fHandle := HTemp; end;
procedure TSendKeys.SendKeys(buffer: string); var i: integer; w: word; D: DWORD; P: ^DWORD; begin P := @D; SystemParametersInfo(//get flashing timeout on win98 SPI_GETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT, 0, P, 0); SetForeGroundWindow(fHandle); for i := 1 to length(buffer) do begin w := VkKeyScan(buffer[i]); keybd_event(w, 0, 0, 0); keybd_event(w, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); end; SystemParametersInfo(//set flashing TimeOut=0 SPI_SETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT, 0, nil, 0); SetForegroundWindow(TWinControl(TComponent(Self).Owner).Handle); //->typecast working... SystemParametersInfo(//set flashing TimeOut=previous value SPI_SETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT, D, nil, 0); end;
procedure TSendKeys.SetChildText(const Value: string); begin fChildText := Value; end;
procedure TSendKeys.SetIsChildWindow(const Value: boolean); begin fchild := Value; end;
procedure TSendKeys.SetWindowHandle(const Value: HWND); begin fHandle := WindowHandle; end;
end. |
Данный компонент получает хэндл(handle) любого запущенного окна и даёт возможность отправить по указанному хэндлу любые комбинации нажатия клавиш.
Совместимость: Все версии Delphi
Собственно сам исходничек:
После того, как проинсталируете этот компонент, создайте новое приложение и поместите на форму кнопку и сам компонент SendKeys. Добавьте следующий код в обработчик события OnClick кнопки:
Code: |
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin // Запускаем Notepad, и ему мы будем посылать нажатия клавиш WinExec('NotePad.exe', SW_SHOW); // В параметре процедуры GetWindowHandle помещаем // текст заголовка окна Notepad'а. SendKeys1.GetWindowHandle('Untitled - Notepad'); // Если хэндл окна получен успешно, то отправляем ему текст if SendKeys1.WindowHandle <> 0 then SendKeys1.SendKeys('This is a test'); // Так же можно отправить код любой кнопки типа // RETURN, используя следующий код: // SendKeys1.SendKeys(Chr(13)); end; |
Неправда ли весело :)
Gert v.d. Venis
Посылка кода клавиши или текста в окно
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unit Unit1;
SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls;
TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); private AppInst: THandle; AppWind: THandle; public { Public declarations } end;
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.DFM}
uses ShellAPI;
procedure SendShift(H: HWnd; Down: Boolean); var vKey, ScanCode, wParam: Word;
lParam: longint; begin
vKey := $10; ScanCode := MapVirtualKey(vKey, 0); wParam := vKey or ScanCode shl 8; lParam := longint(ScanCode) shl 16 or 1; if not (Down) then lParam := lParam or $C0000000; SendMessage(H, WM_KEYDOWN, vKey, lParam); end;
procedure SendCtrl(H: HWnd; Down: Boolean); var vKey, ScanCode, wParam: Word;
lParam: longint; begin
vKey := $11; ScanCode := MapVirtualKey(vKey, 0); wParam := vKey or ScanCode shl 8; lParam := longint(ScanCode) shl 16 or 1; if not (Down) then lParam := lParam or $C0000000; SendMessage(H, WM_KEYDOWN, vKey, lParam); end;
procedure SendKey(H: Hwnd; Key: char); var vKey, ScanCode, wParam: Word;
lParam, ConvKey: longint; Shift, Ctrl: boolean; begin
ConvKey := OemKeyScan(ord(Key)); Shift := (ConvKey and $00020000) <> 0; Ctrl := (ConvKey and $00040000) <> 0; ScanCode := ConvKey and $000000FF or $FF00; vKey := ord(Key); wParam := vKey; lParam := longint(ScanCode) shl 16 or 1; if Shift then SendShift(H, true); if Ctrl then SendCtrl(H, true); SendMessage(H, WM_KEYDOWN, vKey, lParam); SendMessage(H, WM_CHAR, vKey, lParam); lParam := lParam or $C0000000; SendMessage(H, WM_KEYUP, vKey, lParam); if Shift then SendShift(H, false); if Ctrl then SendCtrl(H, false); end;
function EnumFunc(Handle: HWnd; TF: TForm1): Bool; far; begin
TF.AppWind := 0; if GetWindowWord(Handle, GWW_HINSTANCE) = TF.AppInst then TF.AppWind := Handle; result := (TF.AppWind = 0); end;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Text: array[0..255] of char; begin
AppInst := ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', 'notepad.exe', nil, '', SW_NORMAL); EnumWindows(@EnumFunc, longint(self)); AppWind := GetWindow(AppWind, GW_CHILD); end;
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin
SendKey(AppWind, 'T'); SendKey(AppWind, 'e'); SendKey(AppWind, 's'); SendKey(AppWind, 't'); end;
procedure TForm1.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin
if AppWind <> 0 then SendKey(AppWind, Key); end;
end. |
Почти полный аналог метода SendKeys из VB
Автор: Ken Henderson
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{ SendKeys routine for 32-bit Delphi. Written by Ken Henderson Copyright (c) Ken Henderson email:Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. This unit includes two routines that simulate popular Visual Basic routines: Sendkeys and AppActivate. SendKeys takes a PChar as its first parameter and a boolean as its second, like so:
SendKeys('KeyString', Wait);
where KeyString is a string of key names and modifiers that you want to send to the current input focus and Wait is a boolean variable or value that indicates whether SendKeys should wait for each key message to be processed before proceeding. See the table below for more information.
AppActivate also takes a PChar as its only parameter, like so:
where WindowName is the name of the window that you want to make the current input focus.
SendKeys supports the Visual Basic SendKeys syntax, as documented below.
Supported modifiers:
+ = Shift ^ = Control % = Alt
Surround sequences of characters or key names with parentheses in order to modify them as a group. For example, '+abc' shifts only 'a', while '+(abc)' shifts all three characters.
Supported special characters
~ = Enter ( = begin modifier group (see above) ) = end modifier group (see above) { = begin key name text (see below) } = end key name text (see below)
Supported characters:
Any character that can be typed is supported. Surround the modifier keys listed above with braces in order to send as normal text.
Supported key names (surround these with braces):
Follow the keyname with a space and a number to send the specified key a given number of times (e.g., {left 6}). }
unit sndkey32;
Uses SysUtils, Windows, Messages;
Function SendKeys(SendKeysString : PChar; Wait : Boolean) : Boolean; function AppActivate(WindowName : PChar) : boolean;
{Buffer for working with PChar's}
const WorkBufLen = 40; var WorkBuf : array[0..WorkBufLen] of Char;
implementation type THKeys = array[0..pred(MaxLongInt)] of byte; var AllocationSize : integer;
(* Converts a string of characters and key names to keyboard events and passes them to Windows.
Example syntax:
SendKeys('abc123{left}{left}{left}def{end}456{left 6}ghi{end}789', True);
Function SendKeys(SendKeysString : PChar; Wait : Boolean) : Boolean; type WBytes = array[0..pred(SizeOf(Word))] of Byte;
TSendKey = record Name : ShortString; VKey : Byte; end;
const {Array of keys that SendKeys recognizes.
If you add to this list, you must be sure to keep it sorted alphabetically by Name because a binary search routine is used to scan it.}
MaxSendKeyRecs = 41; SendKeyRecs : array[1..MaxSendKeyRecs] of TSendKey = ( (Name:'BKSP'; VKey:VK_BACK), (Name:'BS'; VKey:VK_BACK), (Name:'BACKSPACE'; VKey:VK_BACK), (Name:'BREAK'; VKey:VK_CANCEL), (Name:'CAPSLOCK'; VKey:VK_CAPITAL), (Name:'CLEAR'; VKey:VK_CLEAR), (Name:'DEL'; VKey:VK_DELETE), (Name:'DELETE'; VKey:VK_DELETE), (Name:'DOWN'; VKey:VK_DOWN), (Name:'END'; VKey:VK_END), (Name:'ENTER'; VKey:VK_RETURN), (Name:'ESC'; VKey:VK_ESCAPE), (Name:'ESCAPE'; VKey:VK_ESCAPE), (Name:'F1'; VKey:VK_F1), (Name:'F10'; VKey:VK_F10), (Name:'F11'; VKey:VK_F11), (Name:'F12'; VKey:VK_F12), (Name:'F13'; VKey:VK_F13), (Name:'F14'; VKey:VK_F14), (Name:'F15'; VKey:VK_F15), (Name:'F16'; VKey:VK_F16), (Name:'F2'; VKey:VK_F2), (Name:'F3'; VKey:VK_F3), (Name:'F4'; VKey:VK_F4), (Name:'F5'; VKey:VK_F5), (Name:'F6'; VKey:VK_F6), (Name:'F7'; VKey:VK_F7), (Name:'F8'; VKey:VK_F8), (Name:'F9'; VKey:VK_F9), (Name:'HELP'; VKey:VK_HELP), (Name:'HOME'; VKey:VK_HOME), (Name:'INS'; VKey:VK_INSERT), (Name:'LEFT'; VKey:VK_LEFT), (Name:'NUMLOCK'; VKey:VK_NUMLOCK), (Name:'PGDN'; VKey:VK_NEXT), (Name:'PGUP'; VKey:VK_PRIOR), (Name:'PRTSC'; VKey:VK_PRINT), (Name:'RIGHT'; VKey:VK_RIGHT), (Name:'SCROLLLOCK'; VKey:VK_SCROLL), (Name:'TAB'; VKey:VK_TAB), (Name:'UP'; VKey:VK_UP) );
{Extra VK constants missing from Delphi's Windows API interface} VK_NULL=0; VK_SemiColon=186; VK_Equal=187; VK_Comma=188; VK_Minus=189; VK_Period=190; VK_Slash=191; VK_BackQuote=192; VK_LeftBracket=219; VK_BackSlash=220; VK_RightBracket=221; VK_Quote=222; VK_Last=VK_Quote;
ExtendedVKeys : set of byte = [VK_Up, VK_Down, VK_Left, VK_Right, VK_Home, VK_End, VK_Prior, {PgUp} VK_Next, {PgDn} VK_Insert, VK_Delete];
const INVALIDKEY = $FFFF {Unsigned -1}; VKKEYSCANSHIFTON = $01; VKKEYSCANCTRLON = $02; VKKEYSCANALTON = $04; UNITNAME = 'SendKeys'; var UsingParens, ShiftDown, ControlDown, AltDown, FoundClose : Boolean; PosSpace : Byte; I, L : Integer; NumTimes, MKey : Word; KeyString : String[20];
procedure DisplayMessage(Message : PChar); begin MessageBox(0,Message,UNITNAME,0); end;
function BitSet(BitTable, BitMask : Byte) : Boolean; begin Result:=ByteBool(BitTable and BitMask); end;
procedure SetBit(var BitTable : Byte; BitMask : Byte); begin BitTable:=BitTable or Bitmask; end;
procedure KeyboardEvent(VKey, ScanCode : Byte; Flags : Longint); var KeyboardMsg : TMsg; begin keybd_event(VKey, ScanCode, Flags,0); If (Wait) then While (PeekMessage(KeyboardMsg,0,WM_KEYFIRST, WM_KEYLAST, PM_REMOVE)) do begin TranslateMessage(KeyboardMsg); DispatchMessage(KeyboardMsg); end; end;
procedure SendKeyDown(VKey: Byte; NumTimes : Word; GenUpMsg : Boolean); var Cnt : Word; ScanCode : Byte; NumState : Boolean; KeyBoardState : TKeyboardState; begin If (VKey=VK_NUMLOCK) then begin NumState:=ByteBool(GetKeyState(VK_NUMLOCK) and 1); GetKeyBoardState(KeyBoardState); If NumState then KeyBoardState[VK_NUMLOCK]:=(KeyBoardState[VK_NUMLOCK] and not 1) else KeyBoardState[VK_NUMLOCK]:=(KeyBoardState[VK_NUMLOCK] or 1); SetKeyBoardState(KeyBoardState); exit; end;
ScanCode:=Lo(MapVirtualKey(VKey,0)); For Cnt:=1 to NumTimes do If (VKey in ExtendedVKeys)then begin KeyboardEvent(VKey, ScanCode, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY); If (GenUpMsg) then KeyboardEvent(VKey, ScanCode, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY or KEYEVENTF_KEYUP) end else begin KeyboardEvent(VKey, ScanCode, 0); If (GenUpMsg) then KeyboardEvent(VKey, ScanCode, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP); end; end;
procedure SendKeyUp(VKey: Byte); var ScanCode : Byte; begin ScanCode:=Lo(MapVirtualKey(VKey,0)); If (VKey in ExtendedVKeys)then KeyboardEvent(VKey, Sca else KeyboardEvent(VKey, ScanCode, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP); end;
procedure SendKey(MKey: Word; NumTimes : Word; GenDownMsg : Boolean); begin If (BitSet(Hi(MKey),VKKEYSCANSHIFTON)) then SendKeyDown(VK_SHIFT,1,False); If (BitSet(Hi(MKey),VKKEYSCANCTRLON)) then SendKeyDown(VK_CONTROL,1,False); If (BitSet(Hi(MKey),VKKEYSCANALTON)) then SendKeyDown(VK_MENU,1,False); SendKeyDown(Lo(MKey), NumTimes, GenDownMsg); If (BitSet(Hi(MKey),VKKEYSCANSHIFTON)) then SendKeyUp(VK_SHIFT); If (BitSet(Hi(MKey),VKKEYSCANCTRLON)) then SendKeyUp(VK_CONTROL); If (BitSet(Hi(MKey),VKKEYSCANALTON)) then SendKeyUp(VK_MENU); end;
{Implements a simple binary search to locate special key name strings}
function StringToVKey(KeyString : ShortString) : Word; var Found, Collided : Boolean; Bottom, Top, Middle : Byte; begin Result:=INVALIDKEY; Bottom:=1; Top:=MaxSendKeyRecs; Found:=false; Middle:=(Bottom+Top) div 2; Repeat Collided:=((Bottom=Middle) or (Top=Middle)); If (KeyString=SendKeyRecs[Middle].Name) then begin Found:=True; Result:=SendKeyRecs[Middle].VKey; end else begin If (KeyString>SendKeyRecs[Middle].Name) then Bottom:=Middle else Top:=Middle; Middle:=(Succ(Bottom+Top)) div 2; end; Until (Found or Collided); If (Result=INVALIDKEY) then DisplayMessage('Invalid Key Name'); end;
procedure PopUpShiftKeys; begin If (not UsingParens) then begin If ShiftDown then SendKeyUp(VK_SHIFT); If ControlDown then SendKeyUp(VK_CONTROL); If AltDown then SendKeyUp(VK_MENU); ShiftDown:=false; ControlDown:=false; AltDown:=false; end; end;
begin AllocationSize:=MaxInt; Result:=false; UsingParens:=false; ShiftDown:=false; ControlDown:=false; AltDown:=false; I:=0; L:=StrLen(SendKeysString); If (L>AllocationSize) then L:=AllocationSize; If (L=0) then Exit;
while (Ibegin case SendKeysString[I] of '(' : begin UsingParens:=True; Inc(I); end; ')' : begin UsingParens:=False; PopUpShiftKeys; Inc(I); end; '%' : begin AltDown:=True; SendKeyDown(VK_MENU,1,False); Inc(I); end; '+' : begin ShiftDown:=True; SendKeyDown(VK_SHIFT,1,False); Inc(I); end; '^' : begin ControlDown:=True; SendKeyDown(VK_CONTROL,1,False); Inc(I); end; '{' : begin NumTimes:=1; If (SendKeysString[Succ(I)]='{') then begin MKey:=VK_LEFTBRACKET; SetBit(Wbytes(MKey)[1],VKKEYSCANSHIFTON); SendKey(MKey,1,True); PopUpShiftKeys; Inc(I,3); Continue; end; KeyString:=''; FoundClose:=False; while (I<=L) do begin Inc(I); If (SendKeysString[I]='}') then begin FoundClose:=True; Inc(I); Break; end; KeyString:=KeyString+Upcase(SendKeysString[I]); end; If (Not FoundClose) then begin DisplayMessage('No Close'); Exit; end; If (SendKeysString[I]='}') then begin MKey:=VK_RIGHTBRACKET; SetBit(Wbytes(MKey)[1],VKKEYSCANSHIFTON); SendKey(MKey,1,True); PopUpShiftKeys; Inc(I); Continue; end; PosSpace:=Pos(' ',KeyString); If (PosSpace<>0) then begin NumTimes:=StrToInt(Copy(KeyString,Succ(PosSpace),Length(KeyString)-PosSpace)); KeyString:=Copy(KeyString,1,Pred(PosSpace)); end; If (Length(KeyString)=1) then MKey:=vkKeyScan(KeyString[1]) else MKey:=StringToVKey(KeyString); If (MKey<>INVALIDKEY) then begin SendKey(MKey,NumTimes,True); PopUpShiftKeys; Continue; end; end; '~' : begin SendKeyDown(VK_RETURN,1,True); PopUpShiftKeys; Inc(I); end; else begin MKey:=vkKeyScan(SendKeysString[I]); If (MKey<>INVALIDKEY) then begin SendKey(MKey,1,True); PopUpShiftKeys; end else DisplayMessage('Invalid KeyName'); Inc(I); end; end; end; Result:=true; PopUpShiftKeys; end;
This is used to set the current input focus to a given window using its name. This is especially useful for ensuring a window is active before sending it input messages using the SendKeys function. You can specify a window's name in its entirety, or only portion of it, beginning from the left.
var WindowHandle : HWND;
function EnumWindowsProc(WHandle: HWND; lParam: LPARAM): BOOL; export; stdcall; const MAX_WINDOW_NAME_LEN = 80; var WindowName : array[0..MAX_WINDOW_NAME_LEN] of char; begin {Can't test GetWindowText's return value since some windows don't have a title} GetWindowText(WHandle,WindowName,MAX_WINDOW_NAME_LEN); Result := (StrLIComp(WindowName,PChar(lParam), StrLen(PChar(lParam))) <> 0); If (not Result) then WindowHandle:=WHandle; end;
function AppActivate(WindowName : PChar) : boolean; begin try Result:=true; WindowHandle:=FindWindow(nil,WindowName); If (WindowHandle=0) then EnumWindows(@EnumWindowsProc,Integer(PChar(WindowName))); If (WindowHandle<>0) then begin SendMessage(WindowHandle, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_HOTKEY, WindowHandle); SendMessage(WindowHandle, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE, WindowHandle); end else Result:=false; except on Exception do Result:=false; end; end;
end. |
Code: |
{PostKeyEx32 function}
procedure PostKeyEx32(key: Word; const shift: TShiftState; specialkey: Boolean); {************************************************************ * Procedure PostKeyEx32 * * Parameters: * key : virtual keycode of the key to send. For printable * keys this is simply the ANSI code (Ord(character)). * shift : state of the modifier keys. This is a set, so you * can set several of these keys (shift, control, alt, * mouse buttons) in tandem. The TShiftState type is * declared in the Classes Unit. * specialkey: normally this should be False. Set it to True to * specify a key on the numeric keypad, for example. * Description: * Uses keybd_event to manufacture a series of key events matching * the passed parameters. The events go to the control with focus. * Note that for characters key is always the upper-case version of * the character. Sending without any modifier keys will result in * a lower-case character, sending it with [ssShift] will result * in an upper-case character! // Code by P. Below ************************************************************} type TShiftKeyInfo = record shift: Byte; vkey: Byte; end; byteset = set of 0..7; const shiftkeys: array [1..3] of TShiftKeyInfo = ((shift: Ord(ssCtrl); vkey: VK_CONTROL), (shift: Ord(ssShift); vkey: VK_SHIFT), (shift: Ord(ssAlt); vkey: VK_MENU)); var flag: DWORD; bShift: ByteSet absolute shift; i: Integer; begin for i := 1 to 3 do begin if shiftkeys[i].shift in bShift then keybd_event(shiftkeys[i].vkey, MapVirtualKey(shiftkeys[i].vkey, 0), 0, 0); end; { For } if specialkey then flag := KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY else flag := 0;
keybd_event(key, MapvirtualKey(key, 0), flag, 0); flag := flag or KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; keybd_event(key, MapvirtualKey(key, 0), flag, 0);
for i := 3 downto 1 do begin if shiftkeys[i].shift in bShift then keybd_event(shiftkeys[i].vkey, MapVirtualKey(shiftkeys[i].vkey, 0), KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); end; { For } end; { PostKeyEx32 }
// Example:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin //Pressing the Left Windows Key PostKeyEx32(VK_LWIN, [], False);
//Pressing the letter D PostKeyEx32(Ord('D'), [], False);
//Pressing Ctrl-Alt-C PostKeyEx32(Ord('C'), [ssctrl, ssAlt], False); end; |
Code: |
{ With keybd_event API}
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin {or you can also try this simple example to send any amount of keystrokes at the same time. }
{Pressing the A Key and showing it in the Edit1.Text}
Edit1.SetFocus; keybd_event(VK_SHIFT, 0, 0, 0); keybd_event(Ord('A'), 0, 0, 0); keybd_event(VK_SHIFT, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
{Presses the Left Window Key and starts the Run} keybd_event(VK_LWIN, 0, 0, 0); keybd_event(Ord('R'), 0, 0, 0); keybd_event(VK_LWIN, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); end; |
Code: |
{With keybd_event API}
procedure PostKeyExHWND(hWindow: HWnd; key: Word; const shift: TShiftState; specialkey: Boolean); {************************************************************ * Procedure PostKeyEx * * Parameters: * hWindow: target window to be send the keystroke * key : virtual keycode of the key to send. For printable * keys this is simply the ANSI code (Ord(character)). * shift : state of the modifier keys. This is a set, so you * can set several of these keys (shift, control, alt, * mouse buttons) in tandem. The TShiftState type is * declared in the Classes Unit. * specialkey: normally this should be False. Set it to True to * specify a key on the numeric keypad, for example. * If this parameter is true, bit 24 of the lparam for * the posted WM_KEY* messages will be set. * Description: * This procedure sets up Windows key state array to correctly * reflect the requested pattern of modifier keys and then posts * a WM_KEYDOWN/WM_KEYUP message pair to the target window. Then * Application.ProcessMessages is called to process the messages * before the keyboard state is restored. * Error Conditions: * May fail due to lack of memory for the two key state buffers. * Will raise an exception in this case. * NOTE: * Setting the keyboard state will not work across applications * running in different memory spaces on Win32 unless AttachThreadInput * is used to connect to the target thread first. *************************************************************}
type TBuffers = array [0..1] of TKeyboardState; var pKeyBuffers: ^TBuffers; lParam: LongInt; begin (* check if the target window exists *) if IsWindow(hWindow) then begin (* set local variables to default values *) pKeyBuffers := nil; lParam := MakeLong(0, MapVirtualKey(key, 0));
(* modify lparam if special key requested *) if specialkey then lParam := lParam or $1000000;
(* allocate space for the key state buffers *) New(pKeyBuffers); try (* Fill buffer 1 with current state so we can later restore it. Null out buffer 0 to get a "no key pressed" state. *) GetKeyboardState(pKeyBuffers^[1]); FillChar(pKeyBuffers^[0], SizeOf(TKeyboardState), 0);
(* set the requested modifier keys to "down" state in the buffer*) if ssShift in shift then pKeyBuffers^[0][VK_SHIFT] := $80; if ssAlt in shift then begin (* Alt needs special treatment since a bit in lparam needs also be set *) pKeyBuffers^[0][VK_MENU] := $80; lParam := lParam or $20000000; end; if ssCtrl in shift then pKeyBuffers^[0][VK_CONTROL] := $80; if ssLeft in shift then pKeyBuffers^[0][VK_LBUTTON] := $80; if ssRight in shift then pKeyBuffers^[0][VK_RBUTTON] := $80; if ssMiddle in shift then pKeyBuffers^[0][VK_MBUTTON] := $80;
(* make out new key state array the active key state map *) SetKeyboardState(pKeyBuffers^[0]); (* post the key messages *) if ssAlt in Shift then begin PostMessage(hWindow, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, key, lParam); PostMessage(hWindow, WM_SYSKEYUP, key, lParam or $C0000000); end else begin PostMessage(hWindow, WM_KEYDOWN, key, lParam); PostMessage(hWindow, WM_KEYUP, key, lParam or $C0000000); end; (* process the messages *) Application.ProcessMessages;
(* restore the old key state map *) SetKeyboardState(pKeyBuffers^[1]); finally (* free the memory for the key state buffers *) if pKeyBuffers <> nil then Dispose(pKeyBuffers); end; { If } end; end; { PostKeyEx }
// Example:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var targetWnd: HWND; begin targetWnd := FindWindow('notepad', nil) if targetWnd <> 0 then begin PostKeyExHWND(targetWnd, Ord('I'), [ssAlt], False); end; end; |
Code: |
{With SendInput API}
// Example: Send text procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); const Str: string = 'writing writing writing'; var Inp: TInput; I: Integer; begin Edit1.SetFocus;
for I := 1 to Length(Str) do begin // press Inp.Itype := INPUT_KEYBOARD; Inp.ki.wVk := Ord(UpCase(Str[i])); Inp.ki.dwFlags := 0; SendInput(1, Inp, SizeOf(Inp));
// release Inp.Itype := INPUT_KEYBOARD; Inp.ki.wVk := Ord(UpCase(Str[i])); Inp.ki.dwFlags := KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; SendInput(1, Inp, SizeOf(Inp));
Application.ProcessMessages; Sleep(80); end; end;
// Example: Simulate Alt+Tab procedure SendAltTab; var KeyInputs: array of TInput; KeyInputCount: Integer;
procedure KeybdInput(VKey: Byte; Flags: DWORD); begin Inc(KeyInputCount); SetLength(KeyInputs, KeyInputCount); KeyInputs[KeyInputCount - 1].Itype := INPUT_KEYBOARD; with KeyInputs[KeyInputCount - 1].ki do begin wVk := VKey; wScan := MapVirtualKey(wVk, 0); dwFlags := KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY; dwFlags := Flags or dwFlags; time := 0; dwExtraInfo := 0; end; end; begin KeybdInput(VK_MENU, 0); // Alt KeybdInput(VK_TAB, 0); // Tab KeybdInput(VK_TAB, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP); // Tab KeybdInput(VK_MENU, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP); // Alt SendInput(KeyInputCount, KeyInputs[0], SizeOf(KeyInputs[0])); end; |
Code: |
Memo1.Perform(WM_CHAR, Ord('A'), 0); |
Code: |
SendMessage(Memo1.Handle, WM_CHAR, Ord('A'), 0); |
Code: |
{ **** UBPFD *************** >> Эмуляция нажатия клавиши в активном окне
VKey - код виртуальной клавиши (см. описание констант VK_xxxx)
Зависимости: Windows Автор: Dimka Maslov, Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра., Copyright: Dimka Maslov ***************************************************** }
procedure PressKey(VKey: Byte); begin keybd_event(VKey, 0, 0, 0); keybd_event(VKey, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); end; |
Code: |
{ **** UBPFD *********** by **** >> Эмуляция нажатия клавиши в любом окне, в т.ч. неактивном
Процедура эмулирует нажатие клавиши в любом окне путём посылки ему пары сообщений WM_KEYDOWN и WM_KEYUP. Процедура принимает два параметра - Handle окна и код клавиши (см. описание констант VK_xxxx).
Зависимости: Windows Автор: Dimka Maslov, Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра., Copyright: Dimka Maslov
***************************************************** }
procedure EmulateKey(Wnd: HWND; VKey: Integer); asm push 0 push edx push 0101H //WM_KEYUP push eax push 0 push edx push 0100H //WM_KEYDOWN push eax call PostMessage call PostMessage end;
// Пример использования: EmulateKey(Edit1.Handle, VK_RETURN); |
Code: |
{ **** UBPFD *********** **** >> Эмуляция нажатия клавиши
Функция SendKeys этого юнита, эмулиреут нажатие клавиши для лююого активного приложения Для активизации приложения ивпользуйте функцию AppActivate
Зависимости: SysUtils, Windows, messages Автор: VID, Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра., ***************************************************** }
unit SKUnit;
uses SysUtils, Windows, messages;
function SendKeys(SendKeysString: PChar; Wait: Boolean): Boolean; function AppActivate(WindowName: PChar): boolean; const WorkBufLen = 40; var WorkBuf: array[0..WorkBufLen] of Char;
type THKeys = array[0..pred(MaxLongInt)] of byte; var AllocationSize: integer;
(* Converts a string of characters and key names to keyboard events and passes them to Windows.
Example syntax:
SendKeys('abc123{left}{left}{left}def{end}456{left 6}ghi{end}789', True);
function SendKeys(SendKeysString: PChar; Wait: Boolean): Boolean; type WBytes = array[0..pred(SizeOf(Word))] of Byte;
TSendKey = record Name: ShortString; VKey: Byte; end;
const {Array of keys that SendKeys recognizes.
If you add to this list, you must be sure to keep it sorted alphabetically by Name because a binary search routine is used to scan it.}
MaxSendKeyRecs = 41; SendKeyRecs: array[1..MaxSendKeyRecs] of TSendKey = ( (Name: 'BKSP'; VKey: VK_BACK), (Name: 'BS'; VKey: VK_BACK), (Name: 'BACKSPACE'; VKey: VK_BACK), (Name: 'BREAK'; VKey: VK_CANCEL), (Name: 'CAPSLOCK'; VKey: VK_CAPITAL), (Name: 'CLEAR'; VKey: VK_CLEAR), (Name: 'DEL'; VKey: VK_DELETE), (Name: 'DELETE'; VKey: VK_DELETE), (Name: 'DOWN'; VKey: VK_DOWN), (Name: 'END'; VKey: VK_END), (Name: 'ENTER'; VKey: VK_RETURN), (Name: 'ESC'; VKey: VK_ESCAPE), (Name: 'ESCAPE'; VKey: VK_ESCAPE), (Name: 'F1'; VKey: VK_F1), (Name: 'F10'; VKey: VK_F10), (Name: 'F11'; VKey: VK_F11), (Name: 'F12'; VKey: VK_F12), (Name: 'F13'; VKey: VK_F13), (Name: 'F14'; VKey: VK_F14), (Name: 'F15'; VKey: VK_F15), (Name: 'F16'; VKey: VK_F16), (Name: 'F2'; VKey: VK_F2), (Name: 'F3'; VKey: VK_F3), (Name: 'F4'; VKey: VK_F4), (Name: 'F5'; VKey: VK_F5), (Name: 'F6'; VKey: VK_F6), (Name: 'F7'; VKey: VK_F7), (Name: 'F8'; VKey: VK_F8), (Name: 'F9'; VKey: VK_F9), (Name: 'HELP'; VKey: VK_HELP), (Name: 'HOME'; VKey: VK_HOME), (Name: 'INS'; VKey: VK_INSERT), (Name: 'LEFT'; VKey: VK_LEFT), (Name: 'NUMLOCK'; VKey: VK_NUMLOCK), (Name: 'PGDN'; VKey: VK_NEXT), (Name: 'PGUP'; VKey: VK_PRIOR), (Name: 'PRTSC'; VKey: VK_PRINT), (Name: 'RIGHT'; VKey: VK_RIGHT), (Name: 'SCROLLLOCK'; VKey: VK_SCROLL), (Name: 'TAB'; VKey: VK_TAB), (Name: 'UP'; VKey: VK_UP) );
{Extra VK constants missing from Delphi's Windows API interface} VK_NULL = 0; VK_SemiColon = 186; VK_Equal = 187; VK_Comma = 188; VK_Minus = 189; VK_Period = 190; VK_Slash = 191; VK_BackQuote = 192; VK_LeftBracket = 219; VK_BackSlash = 220; VK_RightBracket = 221; VK_Quote = 222; VK_Last = VK_Quote;
ExtendedVKeys: set of byte = [VK_Up, VK_Down, VK_Left, VK_Right, VK_Home, VK_End, VK_Prior, {PgUp} VK_Next, {PgDn} VK_Insert, VK_Delete];
const INVALIDKEY = $FFFF {Unsigned -1}; VKKEYSCANSHIFTON = $01; VKKEYSCANCTRLON = $02; VKKEYSCANALTON = $04; UNITNAME = 'SendKeys'; var UsingParens, ShiftDown, ControlDown, AltDown, FoundClose: Boolean; PosSpace: Byte; I, L: Integer; NumTimes, MKey: Word; KeyString: string[20];
procedure DisplayMessage(Message: PChar); begin MessageBox(0, Message, UNITNAME, 0); end;
function BitSet(BitTable, BitMask: Byte): Boolean; begin Result := ByteBool(BitTable and BitMask); end;
procedure SetBit(var BitTable: Byte; BitMask: Byte); begin BitTable := BitTable or Bitmask; end;
procedure KeyboardEvent(VKey, ScanCode: Byte; Flags: Longint); var KeyboardMsg: TMsg; begin keybd_event(VKey, ScanCode, Flags, 0); if (Wait) then while (PeekMessage(KeyboardMsg, 0, WM_KEYFIRST, WM_KEYLAST, PM_REMOVE)) do begin TranslateMessage(KeyboardMsg); DispatchMessage(KeyboardMsg); end; end;
procedure SendKeyDown(VKey: Byte; NumTimes: Word; GenUpMsg: Boolean); var Cnt: Word; ScanCode: Byte; NumState: Boolean; KeyBoardState: TKeyboardState; begin if (VKey = VK_NUMLOCK) then begin NumState := ByteBool(GetKeyState(VK_NUMLOCK) and 1); GetKeyBoardState(KeyBoardState); if NumState then KeyBoardState[VK_NUMLOCK] := (KeyBoardState[VK_NUMLOCK] and not 1) else KeyBoardState[VK_NUMLOCK] := (KeyBoardState[VK_NUMLOCK] or 1); SetKeyBoardState(KeyBoardState); exit; end;
ScanCode := Lo(MapVirtualKey(VKey, 0)); for Cnt := 1 to NumTimes do if (VKey in ExtendedVKeys) then begin KeyboardEvent(VKey, ScanCode, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY); if (GenUpMsg) then KeyboardEvent(VKey, ScanCode, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY or KEYEVENTF_KEYUP) end else begin KeyboardEvent(VKey, ScanCode, 0); if (GenUpMsg) then KeyboardEvent(VKey, ScanCode, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP); end; end;
procedure SendKeyUp(VKey: Byte); var ScanCode: Byte; begin ScanCode := Lo(MapVirtualKey(VKey, 0)); if (VKey in ExtendedVKeys) then KeyboardEvent(VKey, ScanCode, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY and KEYEVENTF_KEYUP) else KeyboardEvent(VKey, ScanCode, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP); end;
procedure SendKey(MKey: Word; NumTimes: Word; GenDownMsg: Boolean); begin if (BitSet(Hi(MKey), VKKEYSCANSHIFTON)) then SendKeyDown(VK_SHIFT, 1, False); if (BitSet(Hi(MKey), VKKEYSCANCTRLON)) then SendKeyDown(VK_CONTROL, 1, False); if (BitSet(Hi(MKey), VKKEYSCANALTON)) then SendKeyDown(VK_MENU, 1, False); SendKeyDown(Lo(MKey), NumTimes, GenDownMsg); if (BitSet(Hi(MKey), VKKEYSCANSHIFTON)) then SendKeyUp(VK_SHIFT); if (BitSet(Hi(MKey), VKKEYSCANCTRLON)) then SendKeyUp(VK_CONTROL); if (BitSet(Hi(MKey), VKKEYSCANALTON)) then SendKeyUp(VK_MENU); end;
{Implements a simple binary search to locate special key name strings}
function StringToVKey(KeyString: ShortString): Word; var Found, Collided: Boolean; Bottom, Top, Middle: Byte; begin Result := INVALIDKEY; Bottom := 1; Top := MaxSendKeyRecs; Found := false; Middle := (Bottom + Top) div 2; repeat Collided := ((Bottom = Middle) or (Top = Middle)); if (KeyString = SendKeyRecs[Middle].Name) then begin Found := True; Result := SendKeyRecs[Middle].VKey; end else begin if (KeyString > SendKeyRecs[Middle].Name) then Bottom := Middle else Top := Middle; Middle := (Succ(Bottom + Top)) div 2; end; until (Found or Collided); if (Result = INVALIDKEY) then DisplayMessage('Invalid Key Name'); end;
procedure PopUpShiftKeys; begin if (not UsingParens) then begin if ShiftDown then SendKeyUp(VK_SHIFT); if ControlDown then SendKeyUp(VK_CONTROL); if AltDown then SendKeyUp(VK_MENU); ShiftDown := false; ControlDown := false; AltDown := false; end; end;
begin AllocationSize := MaxInt; Result := false; UsingParens := false; ShiftDown := false; ControlDown := false; AltDown := false; I := 0; L := StrLen(SendKeysString); if (L > AllocationSize) then L := AllocationSize; if (L = 0) then Exit;
case SendKeysString[I] of '(': begin UsingParens := True; Inc(I); end; ')': begin UsingParens := False; PopUpShiftKeys; Inc(I); end; '%': begin AltDown := True; SendKeyDown(VK_MENU, 1, False); Inc(I); end; '+': begin ShiftDown := True; SendKeyDown(VK_SHIFT, 1, False); Inc(I); end; '^': begin ControlDown := True; SendKeyDown(VK_CONTROL, 1, False); Inc(I); end; '{': begin NumTimes := 1; if (SendKeysString[Succ(I)] = '{') then begin MKey := VK_LEFTBRACKET; SetBit(Wbytes(MKey)[1], VKKEYSCANSHIFTON); SendKey(MKey, 1, True); PopUpShiftKeys; Inc(I, 3); // Continue; end; KeyString := ''; FoundClose := False; while (I <= L) do begin Inc(I); if (SendKeysString[I] = '}') then begin FoundClose := True; Inc(I); Break; end; KeyString := KeyString + Upcase(SendKeysString[I]); end; if (not FoundClose) then begin DisplayMessage('No Close'); Exit; end; if (SendKeysString[I] = '}') then begin MKey := VK_RIGHTBRACKET; SetBit(Wbytes(MKey)[1], VKKEYSCANSHIFTON); SendKey(MKey, 1, True); PopUpShiftKeys; Inc(I); // Continue; end; PosSpace := Pos(' ', KeyString); if (PosSpace <> 0) then begin NumTimes := StrToInt(Copy(KeyString, Succ(PosSpace), Length(KeyString) - PosSpace)); KeyString := Copy(KeyString, 1, Pred(PosSpace)); end; if (Length(KeyString) = 1) then MKey := vkKeyScan(KeyString[1]) else MKey := StringToVKey(KeyString); if (MKey <> INVALIDKEY) then begin SendKey(MKey, NumTimes, True); PopUpShiftKeys; // Continue; end; end; '~': begin SendKeyDown(VK_RETURN, 1, True); PopUpShiftKeys; Inc(I); end; else begin MKey := vkKeyScan(SendKeysString[I]); if (MKey <> INVALIDKEY) then begin SendKey(MKey, 1, True); PopUpShiftKeys; end else DisplayMessage('Invalid KeyName'); Inc(I); end; end;
Result := true; PopUpShiftKeys; end;
This is used to set the current input focus to a given window using its name. This is especially useful for ensuring a window is active before sending it input messages using the SendKeys function. You can specify a window's name in its entirety, or only portion of it, beginning from the left.
var WindowHandle: HWND;
function EnumWindowsProc(WHandle: HWND; lParam: LPARAM): BOOL; export; stdcall; const MAX_WINDOW_NAME_LEN = 80; var WindowName: array[0..MAX_WINDOW_NAME_LEN] of char; begin {Can't test GetWindowText's return value since some windows don't have a title} GetWindowText(WHandle, WindowName, MAX_WINDOW_NAME_LEN); Result := (StrLIComp(WindowName, PChar(lParam), StrLen(PChar(lParam))) <> 0); if (not Result) then WindowHandle := WHandle; end;
function AppActivate(WindowName: PChar): boolean; begin try Result := true; WindowHandle := FindWindow(nil, WindowName); if (WindowHandle = 0) then EnumWindows(@EnumWindowsProc, Integer(PChar(WindowName))); if (WindowHandle <> 0) then begin SendMessage(WindowHandle, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_HOTKEY, WindowHandle); SendMessage(WindowHandle, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE, WindowHandle); end else Result := false; except on Exception do Result := false; end; end;
//Пример использования:
SendKeys('A', False); |
Как отправить нажатие клавиши с кодом 255 в элемент управления Windows
Функция keybd_event() принимает значения до 244 - как мне отправить нажатие клавиши с кодом #255 в элемент управления Windows? Это может понадобится для иностранных языков или для специальных символов. (например, в русских шрифтах символ с кодом #255 - я прописное). Приведенный в примере метод, не стоит использовать в случае если символ может быть передан обычным способом (функцией keybd_event()).
Code: |
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var KeyData : packed record RepeatCount : word; ScanCode : byte; Bits : byte; end; begin {Let the button repaint} Application.ProcessMessages; {Set the focus to the window} Edit1.SetFocus; {Send a right so the char is added to the end of the line} // SimulateKeyStroke(VK_RIGHT, 0); keybd_event(VK_RIGHT, 0,0,0); {Let the app get the message} Application.ProcessMessages; FillChar(KeyData, sizeof(KeyData), #0); KeyData.ScanCode := 255; KeyData.RepeatCount := 1; SendMessage(Edit1.Handle, WM_KEYDOWN, 255,LongInt(KeyData)); KeyData.Bits := KeyData.Bits or (1 shl 30); KeyData.Bits := KeyData.Bits or (1 shl 31); SendMessage(Edit1.Handle, WM_KEYUP, 255, LongInt(KeyData)); KeyData.Bits := KeyData.Bits and not (1 shl 30); KeyData.Bits := KeyData.Bits and not (1 shl 31); SendMessage(Edit1.Handle, WM_CHAR, 255, LongInt(KeyData)); Application.ProcessMessages; end; |
Новые статьи
- Как сделать клавишу-акселератор (keyboard shortcut) компонету, у которого нет заголовка
- Как определить нажаты ли клавиши Shift, Alt или Ctrl
- Как выполнять другую команду по нажатию на кнопку, если зажата клавиша Shift
- Какая клавиша нажата при загрузке приложения
- Работа с цифровой клавиатурой при выключенном NumLock
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