Простой пример работы с последовательными портами.
Код содержит интуитивно понятные комментарии и строки на шведском языке,
нецелесообразные для перевода.
Code: |
//Compiler maakt Simple_Comm.Dll of Simple_Com.Dcu afhankelijk van 1e Regel (COMM_UNIT)
{$IFNDEF COMM_UNIT} library Simple_Comm; {$ELSE} unit Simple_Comm; interface {$ENDIF}
uses Windows, Messages;
const M_BaudRate = 1; const M_ByteSize = 2; const M_Parity = 4; const M_Stopbits = 8;
{$IFNDEF COMM_UNIT} {$R Script2.Res} //versie informatie {$ENDIF}
{$IFDEF COMM_UNIT} function Simple_Comm_Info: PChar; StdCall; function Simple_Comm_Open(Port: PChar; BaudRate: DWORD; ByteSize, Parity, StopBits: Byte; Mas k: Integer; WndHandle: HWND; WndCommand: UINT; var Id: Integer): Integer; StdCall; function Simple_Comm_Close(Id: Integer): Integer; StdCall; function Simple_Comm_Write(Id: Integer; Buffer: PChar; Count: DWORD): Integer; StdCall; function Simple_Comm_PortCount: DWORD; StdCall;
const M_None = 0; const M_All = 15;
implementation {$ENDIF}
const InfoString = 'Simple_Comm.Dll (c) by E.L. Lagerburg 1997'; const MaxPorts = 5;
const bDoRun: array[0..MaxPorts - 1] of boolean = (False, False, False, False, False); const hCommPort: array[0..MaxPorts - 1] of Integer = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0); const hThread: array[0..MaxPorts - 1] of Integer = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0); const dwThread: array[0..MaxPorts - 1] of Integer = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0); const hWndHandle: array[0..MaxPorts - 1] of Hwnd = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0); const hWndCommand: array[0..MaxPorts - 1] of UINT = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0); const PortCount: Integer = 0;
function Simple_Comm_Info: PChar; stdcall; begin
Result := InfoString; end;
//Thread functie voor lezen compoort
function Simple_Comm_Read(Param: Pointer): Longint; stdcall; var Count: Integer;
id: Integer; ReadBuffer: array[0..127] of byte; begin
Id := Integer(Param); while bDoRun[id] do begin ReadFile(hCommPort[id], ReadBuffer, 1, Count, nil); if (Count > 0) then begin if ((hWndHandle[id] <> 0) and (hWndCommand[id] > WM_USER)) then
SendMessage(hWndHandle[id], hWndCommand[id], Count, LPARAM(@ReadBuffer));
end; end; Result := 0; end;
//Export functie voor sluiten compoort
function Simple_Comm_Close(Id: Integer): Integer; stdcall; begin
if (ID < 0) or (id > MaxPorts - 1) or (not bDoRun[Id]) then begin Result := ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; Exit; end; bDoRun[Id] := False; Dec(PortCount); FlushFileBuffers(hCommPort[Id]); if not PurgeComm(hCommPort[Id], PURGE_TXABORT + PURGE_RXABORT + PURGE_TXCLEAR + PURGE_RXCL EAR) then
begin Result := GetLastError; Exit; end; if WaitForSingleObject(hThread[Id], 10000) = WAIT_TIMEOUT then if not TerminateThread(hThread[Id], 1) then begin Result := GetLastError; Exit; end;
CloseHandle(hThread[Id]); hWndHandle[Id] := 0; hWndCommand[Id] := 0; if not CloseHandle(hCommPort[Id]) then begin Result := GetLastError; Exit; end; hCommPort[Id] := 0; Result := NO_ERROR; end;
procedure Simple_Comm_CloseAll; stdcall; var Teller: Integer; begin
for Teller := 0 to MaxPorts - 1 do begin if bDoRun[Teller] then Simple_Comm_Close(Teller); end; end;
function GetFirstFreeId: Integer; stdcall; var Teller: Integer; begin
for Teller := 0 to MaxPorts - 1 do begin if not bDoRun[Teller] then begin Result := Teller; Exit; end; end; Result := -1; end;
//Export functie voor openen compoort
function Simple_Comm_Open(Port: PChar; BaudRate: DWORD; ByteSize, Parity, StopBits: Byte; Mas k: Integer; WndHandle: HWND; WndCommand: UINT; var Id: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
var PrevId: Integer; ctmoCommPort: TCOMMTIMEOUTS; //Lees specificaties voor de compoort dcbCommPort: TDCB; begin
if (PortCount >= MaxPorts) or (PortCount < 0) then begin result := error_invalid_function; exit; end; result := 0; previd := id; id := getfirstfreeid; if id = -1 then begin id := previd; result := error_invalid_function; exit; end; hcommport[id] := createfile(port, generic_read or generic_write, 0, nil, open_existing, file_attribute_normal, 0);
if hcommport[id] = invalid_handle_value then begin bdorun[id] := false; id := previd; result := getlasterror; exit; end; //lees specificaties voor het comm bestand ctmocommport.readintervaltimeout := maxdword; ctmocommport.readtotaltimeoutmultiplier := maxdword; ctmocommport.readtotaltimeoutconstant := maxdword; ctmocommport.writetotaltimeoutmultiplier := 0; ctmocommport.writetotaltimeoutconstant := 0; //instellen specificaties voor het comm bestand if not setcommtimeouts(hcommport[id], ctmocommport) then begin bdorun[id] := false; closehandle(hcommport[id]); id := previd; result := getlasterror; exit; end; //instellen communicatie dcbcommport.dcblength := sizeof(tdcb); if not getcommstate(hcommport[id], dcbcommport) then begin bdorun[id] := false; closehandle(hcommport[id]); id := previd; result := getlasterror; exit; end; if (mask and m_baudrate <> 0) then dcbCommPort.BaudRate := BaudRate; if (Mask and M_ByteSize <> 0) then dcbCommPort.ByteSize := ByteSize; if (Mask and M_Parity <> 0) then dcbCommPort.Parity := Parity; if (Mask and M_Stopbits <> 0) then dcbCommPort.StopBits := StopBits; if not SetCommState(hCommPort[Id], dcbCommPort) then begin bDoRun[Id] := FALSE; CloseHandle(hCommPort[Id]); Id := PrevId; Result := GetLastError; Exit; end; //Thread voor lezen compoort bDoRun[Id] := TRUE;
hThread[Id] := CreateThread(nil, 0, @Simple_Comm_Read, Pointer(Id), 0, dwThread[Id] );
if hThread[Id] = 0 then begin bDoRun[Id] := FALSE; CloseHandle(hCommPort[Id]); Id := PrevId; Result := GetLastError; Exit; end else begin SetThreadPriority(hThread[Id], THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST); hWndHandle[Id] := WndHandle; hWndCommand[Id] := WndCommand; Inc(PortCount); Result := NO_ERROR; end; end;
//Export functie voor schrijven naar compoort;
function Simple_Comm_Write(Id: Integer; Buffer: PChar; Count: DWORD): Integer; stdcall; var Written: DWORD; begin
if (Id < 0) or (id > Maxports - 1) or (not bDoRun[Id]) then begin Result := ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; Exit; end; if not WriteFile(hCommPort[Id], Buffer, Count, Written, nil) then begin Result := GetLastError(); Exit; end; if (Count <> Written) then Result := ERROR_WRITE_FAULT else Result := NO_ERROR; end;
//Aantal geopende poorten voor aanroepende applicatie
function Simple_Comm_PortCount: DWORD; stdcall; begin
Result := PortCount; end;
Simple_Comm_Info Index 1, Simple_Comm_Open Index 2, Simple_Comm_Close Index 3, Simple_Comm_Write Index 4, Simple_Comm_PortCount index 5;
procedure DLLMain(dwReason: DWORD); begin
if dwReason = DLL_PROCESS_DETACH then Simple_Comm_CloseAll; end;
DLLProc := @DLLMain; DLLMain(DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH); //geen nut in dit geval end.
{$ELSE} initialization finalization
Simple_Comm_CloseAll; end. {$ENDIF}
Другое решение: создание модуля I / O(ввода / вывода)под Windows 95 / NT.Вот он: )
(с TDCB в SetCommStatus вы можете управлять DTR и т.д.) (Примечание: XonLim и XoffLim не должны быть больше 600, иначе под NT это работает неправильно)
unit My_IO;
function OpenComm(InQueue, OutQueue, Baud: LongInt): Boolean; function SetCommTiming: Boolean; function SetCommBuffer(InQueue, OutQueue: LongInt): Boolean; function SetCommStatus(Baud: Integer): Boolean; function SendCommStr(S: string): Integer; function ReadCommStr(var S: string): Integer; procedure CloseComm;
ComPort: Word;
uses Windows, SysUtils;
CPort: array[1..4] of string = ('COM1', 'COM2', 'COM3', 'COM4');
Com: THandle = 0;
function OpenComm(InQueue, OutQueue, Baud: LongInt): Boolean; begin
if Com > 0 then CloseComm; Com := CreateFile(PChar(CPort[ComPort]), GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); Result := (Com > 0) and SetCommTiming and SetCommBuffer(InQueue, OutQueue) and SetCommStatus(Baud); end;
function SetCommTiming: Boolean; var
Timeouts: TCommTimeOuts;
with TimeOuts do begin ReadIntervalTimeout := 1; ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier := 0; ReadTotalTimeoutConstant := 1; WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier := 2; WriteTotalTimeoutConstant := 2; end; Result := SetCommTimeouts(Com, Timeouts); end;
function SetCommBuffer(InQueue, OutQueue: LongInt): Boolean; begin
Result := SetupComm(Com, InQueue, OutQueue); end;
function SetCommStatus(Baud: Integer): Boolean; var
with DCB do begin DCBlength := SizeOf(Tdcb); BaudRate := Baud; Flags := 12305; wReserved := 0; XonLim := 600; XoffLim := 150; ByteSize := 8; Parity := 0; StopBits := 0; XonChar := #17; XoffChar := #19; ErrorChar := #0; EofChar := #0; EvtChar := #0; wReserved1 := 65; end; Result := SetCommState(Com, DCB); end;
function SendCommStr(S: string): Integer; var
TempArray: array[1..255] of Byte; Count, TX_Count: Integer;
for Count := 1 to Length(S) do TempArray[Count] := Ord(S[Count]); WriteFile(Com, TempArray, Length(S), TX_Count, nil); Result := TX_Count; end;
function ReadCommStr(var S: string): Integer; var
TempArray: array[1..255] of Byte; Count, RX_Count: Integer;
S := ''; ReadFile(Com, TempArray, 255, RX_Count, nil); for Count := 1 to RX_Count do S := S + Chr(TempArray[Count]); Result := RX_Count; end;
procedure CloseComm; begin
CloseHandle(Com); Com := -1; end;
end. |
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