Code: |
//Sometimes u need to know some information about the CPU //like: brand id, factory speed, wich instruction set supported etc. //If so, than u can use this code. //2002 by -=LTi=-
unit main;
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls;
type Tfrm_main = class(TForm) img_info: TImage; procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } procedure info(s1, s2: string); end;
var frm_main: Tfrm_main; gn_speed_y: Integer; gn_text_y: Integer; const gn_speed_x: Integer = 8; gn_text_x: Integer = 15; gl_start: Boolean = True;
{$R *.DFM}
procedure Tfrm_main.FormShow(Sender: TObject); var _eax, _ebx, _ecx, _edx: Longword; i: Integer; b: Byte; b1: Word; s, s1, s2, s3, s_all: string; begin //Set the startup colour of the image img_info.Canvas.Brush.Color := clblue; img_info.Canvas.FillRect(rect(0, 0, img_info.Width, img_info.Height));
gn_text_y := 5; //position of the 1st text
asm //asm call to the CPUID inst. mov eax,0 //sub. func call db $0F,$A2 //db $0F,$A2 = CPUID instruction mov _ebx,ebx mov _ecx,ecx mov _edx,edx end;
for i := 0 to 3 do //extract vendor id begin b := lo(_ebx); s := s + chr(b); b := lo(_ecx); s1:= s1 + chr(b); b := lo(_edx); s2:= s2 + chr(b); _ebx := _ebx shr 8; _ecx := _ecx shr 8; _edx := _edx shr 8; end; info('CPU', ''); info(' - ' + 'Vendor ID: ', s + s2 + s1);
asm mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 mov _eax,eax mov _ebx,ebx mov _ecx,ecx mov _edx,edx end; //06B1 //|0000| |0000 0000| |0000| |00| |00| |0110| |1011| |0001| b := lo(_eax) and 15; info(' - ' + 'Stepping ID: ', IntToStr(b)); b := lo(_eax) shr 4; info(' - ' + 'Model Number: ', IntToHex(b, 1)); b := hi(_eax) and 15; info(' - ' + 'Family Code: ', IntToStr(b)); b := hi(_eax) shr 4; info(' - ' + 'Processor Type: ', IntToStr(b)); //31. 28. 27. 24. 23. 20. 19. 16. // 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b := lo((_eax shr 16)) and 15; info(' - ' + 'Extended Model: ', IntToStr(b));
b := lo((_eax shr 20)); info(' - ' + 'Extended Family: ', IntToStr(b));
b := lo(_ebx); info(' - ' + 'Brand ID: ', IntToStr(b)); b := hi(_ebx); info(' - ' + 'Chunks: ', IntToStr(b)); b := lo(_ebx shr 16); info(' - ' + 'Count: ', IntToStr(b)); b := hi(_ebx shr 16); info(' - ' + 'APIC ID: ', IntToStr(b));
//Bit 18 =? 1 //is serial number enabled? if (_edx and $40000) = $40000 then info(' - ' + 'Serial Number ', 'Enabled') else info(' - ' + 'Serial Number ', 'Disabled');
s := IntToHex(_eax, 8); asm //determine the serial number mov eax,3 db $0F,$A2 mov _ecx,ecx mov _edx,edx end; s1 := IntToHex(_edx, 8); s2 := IntToHex(_ecx, 8); Insert('-', s, 5); Insert('-', s1, 5); Insert('-', s2, 5); info(' - ' + 'Serial Number: ', s + '-' + s1 + '-' + s2);
asm mov eax,1 db $0F,$A2 mov _edx,edx end; info('', ''); //Bit 23 =? 1 if (_edx and $800000) = $800000 then info('MMX ', 'Supported') else info('MMX ', 'Not Supported');
//Bit 24 =? 1 if (_edx and $01000000) = $01000000 then info('FXSAVE & FXRSTOR Instructions ', 'Supported') else info('FXSAVE & FXRSTOR Instructions Not ', 'Supported');
//Bit 25 =? 1 if (_edx and $02000000) = $02000000 then info('SSE ', 'Supported') else info('SSE ', 'Not Supported');
//Bit 26 =? 1 if (_edx and $04000000) = $04000000 then info('SSE2 ', 'Supported') else info('SSE2 ', 'Not Supported');
info('', '');
asm //execute the extended CPUID inst. mov eax,$80000000 //sub. func call db $0F,$A2 mov _eax,eax end;
if _eax > $80000000 then //any other sub. funct avail. ? begin info('Extended CPUID: ', 'Supported'); info(' - Largest Function Supported: ', IntToStr(_eax - $80000000)); asm //get brand ID mov eax,$80000002 db $0F db $A2 mov _eax,eax mov _ebx,ebx mov _ecx,ecx mov _edx,edx end; s := ''; s1 := ''; s2 := ''; s3 := ''; for i := 0 to 3 do begin b := lo(_eax); s3:= s3 + chr(b); b := lo(_ebx); s := s + chr(b); b := lo(_ecx); s1 := s1 + chr(b); b := lo(_edx); s2 := s2 + chr(b); _eax := _eax shr 8; _ebx := _ebx shr 8; _ecx := _ecx shr 8; _edx := _edx shr 8; end;
s_all := s3 + s + s1 + s2;
asm mov eax,$80000003 db $0F db $A2 mov _eax,eax mov _ebx,ebx mov _ecx,ecx mov _edx,edx end; s := ''; s1 := ''; s2 := ''; s3 := ''; for i := 0 to 3 do begin b := lo(_eax); s3 := s3 + chr(b); b := lo(_ebx); s := s + chr(b); b := lo(_ecx); s1 := s1 + chr(b); b := lo(_edx); s2 := s2 + chr(b); _eax := _eax shr 8; _ebx := _ebx shr 8; _ecx := _ecx shr 8; _edx := _edx shr 8; end; s_all := s_all + s3 + s + s1 + s2;
asm mov eax,$80000004 db $0F db $A2 mov _eax,eax mov _ebx,ebx mov _ecx,ecx mov _edx,edx end; s := ''; s1 := ''; s2 := ''; s3 := ''; for i := 0 to 3 do begin b := lo(_eax); s3 := s3 + chr(b); b := lo(_ebx); s := s + chr(b); b := lo(_ecx); s1 := s1 + chr(b); b := lo(_edx); s2 := s2 + chr(b); _eax := _eax shr 8; _ebx := _ebx shr 8; _ecx := _ecx shr 8; _edx := _edx shr 8; end; info('Brand String: ', ''); if s2[Length(s2)] = #0 then setlength(s2, Length(s2) - 1); info('', ' - ' + s_all + s3 + s + s1 + s2); end else info(' - Extended CPUID ', 'Not Supported.'); end;
procedure, s2: string); begin if s1 <> '' then begin img_info.Canvas.Brush.Color := clblue; img_info.Canvas.Font.Color := clyellow; img_info.Canvas.TextOut(gn_text_x, gn_text_y, s1); end; if s2 <> '' then begin img_info.Canvas.Brush.Color := clblue; img_info.Canvas.Font.Color := clWhite; img_info.Canvas.TextOut(gn_text_x + img_info.Canvas.TextWidth(s1), gn_text_y, s2); end; Inc(gn_text_y, 13); end;
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