Code: |
{ **** UBPFD *********** by **** >> Небольшой модуль для работы со строками
function CompMask(S, Mask: string):string; //выбор строки по маске // удаление из строки count символов начиная с posit function deleteStr(s:string;posit,count:integer):string; //Удаление из строки s сначала first и с конца last символов function deleteFaskaStr(s:string; first,last:integer):string; Запись в стринлист strg всех вхождений по маске mask из строки source procedure getStrings(var strg: TStringList; mask,source: string);
Зависимости: classes,sysutils Автор: SuMaga, Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра., ICQ:721602488, Махачкала Copyright: Сам состряпал :) Дата: 24 января 2003 г. ***************************************************** }
unit StrMask; interface uses classes, sysutils; function CompMask(S, Mask: string): string; function deleteStr(s: string; posit, count: integer): string; function deleteFaskaStr(s: string; first, last: integer): string; procedure getStrings(var strg: TStringList; mask, source: string);
type TmaskObj = class constructor open; public Maschr: tstringlist; Masposish: TStringList; destructor close; end;
procedure getStrings(var strg: TStringList; mask, source: string); var s, s2: string; begin s2 := source; s := CompMask(s2, mask); while s <> ''do begin strg.Add(s); s2 := StringReplace(s2, s, '', []); s := CompMask(s2, mask); if pos(s, s2) = 0then break; end;
function eraseMask(inpstr: TStrings): TStrings; var i: integer; e: boolean; begin e := false; for i := 0to inpstr.Count - 1do if (i <> inpstr.Count - 1) and (i < inpstr.Count - 1) then if ((inpstr[i] = '`') and (inpstr[i + 1] = '|')) or ((inpstr[i] = '|') and (inpstr[i + 1] = '`')) or ((inpstr[i] = '`') and (inpstr[i + 1] = '`')) then begin e := true; end;
if (e = false) or (i <= inpstr.Count - 1) then begin Result := inpstr; exit; end;
for i := 0to inpstr.Count - 1do if (i <> inpstr.Count - 1) and (i < inpstr.Count - 1) then if ((inpstr[i] = '`') and (inpstr[i + 1] = '|')) or ((inpstr[i] = '`') and (inpstr[i + 1] = '`')) or ((inpstr[i] = '|') and (inpstr[i + 1] = '`')) then begin inpstr.Delete(i + 1); inpstr[i] := '`'; end; Result := eraseMask(inpstr); end;
{ `<---- Эквивалентна----->* |<---- Эквивалентна----->? }
function SplitMask(mask: string; MaskList: TStringList): TStringList; var i, j, k: integer; s1: string; mch: TmaskObj; begin mch :=; for i := 1to length(Mask) do begin if Mask[i] = '`'then begin mch.Maschr.Add('`'); mch.Masposish.Add(inttostr(i)) end;
if Mask[i] = '|'then begin mch.Maschr.Add('|'); mch.Masposish.Add(inttostr(i)) end; end; k := 0; for i := 0to mch.Maschr.Count - 1do begin j := strtoint(mch.Masposish.Strings[i]) - k; if j - 1 <> 0then s1 := copy(Mask, 1, j - 1) else s1 := ''; delete(Mask, 1, j); k := length(s1) + 1 + k; if (s1 <> mch.Maschr.Strings[i]) and (length(s1) <> 0) then MaskList.Add(s1); MaskList.Add(mch.Maschr.Strings[i]); end; if Mask <> ''then MaskList.Add(Mask); mch.close; Result := TStringList(eraseMask(MaskList)); end;
function deleteStr(s: string; posit, count: integer): string; begin Delete(s, posit, count); Result := s; end;
function deleteFaskaStr(s: string; first, last: integer): string; begin result := deleteStr(s, 1, first); result := deleteStr(Result, length(Result) - last + 1, length(Result) - (length(Result) - last)); end;
function CompMask(S, Mask: string): string; var i, j, k, y: integer; s1, s2, s3, s4, s5: string; MaskList: TStringList; PrPos: integer; var fm: boolean; label 1, 2, 3;
begin 2: if length(s) = 0then exit; if length(Mask) = 0then exit; if length(s) < length(Mask) then exit; //if Assigned(MaskList) then begin MaskList := TStringList.Create; MaskList := SplitMask(Mask, MaskList); end; PrPos := 0; s4 := s; fm := false; s3 := ''; i := 0; result := ''; if MaskList.Count - 1 = 0then begin if (MaskList[0] = '`') then begin
s3 := s; fm := true; end; if (MaskList[0] = '|') then begin s3 := s[1]; fm := true; result := s3; exit; end; if (MaskList[0] <> '`') and (MaskList[0] <> '|') then begin if pos(MaskList[0], s) = 0then exit; s3 := copy(s, pos(MaskList[0], s), length(MaskList[0])); fm := true; end; i := MaskList.Count + 1; end;
//Начало цикла while i <= MaskList.Count - 1do begin if (MaskList[i] = '`') and (PrPos = 0) and (i + 1 <= MaskList.Count - 1) then begin if pos(MaskList[i + 1], s) = 0then goto2; j := pos(MaskList[i + 1], s) + length(MaskList[i + 1]) - 1; s3 := copy(s, 1, j); delete(s, 1, j); fm := true; PrPos := j; i := i + 1; goto1; end;
if (MaskList[i] = '|') and (PrPos = 0) and (i + 1 <= MaskList.Count - 1) then begin k := i; y := 0; if i + 1 <= MaskList.Count - 1then while (MaskList[k] = '|') do begin k := k + 1; y := y + 1; if k >= MaskList.Count - 1then break; end; if pos(MaskList[k], s) = 0then goto2; j := pos(MaskList[k], s); s3 := copy(s, j - y, length(MaskList[k]) + y); delete(s, 1, j + length(MaskList[k]) - 1); fm := true; PrPos := j - 1; i := k; goto1; end; if (PrPos = 0) and (MaskList[i] <> '|') and (MaskList[i] <> '`') then begin if pos(MaskList[i], s) = 0then break; j := pos(MaskList[i], s); s3 := copy(s, j, length(MaskList[i])); delete(s, 1, j + length(MaskList[i]) - 1); fm := true; PrPos := length(MaskList[i]); goto1; end;
fm := false; if (PrPos <> 0) and (i < MaskList.Count - 1) then begin if (MaskList[i] = '`') then begin if pos(MaskList[i + 1], s) = 0then goto2; j := pos(MaskList[i + 1], s); s3 := s3 + copy(s, 1, j + length(MaskList[i + 1]) - 1); fm := true;
delete(s, 1, j + length(MaskList[i + 1]) - 1);
PrPos := j + length(MaskList[i + 1]); i := i + 1; goto1;
end; if (MaskList[i] = '|') then begin if i + 1 <= MaskList.Count - 1then if MaskList[i + 1] <> '|'then begin if pos(MaskList[i + 1], s) > 2then begin //break; goto2; end; s3 := s3 + copy(s, 1, length(MaskList[i + 1]) + 1); delete(s, 1, length(MaskList[i + 1]) + 1); fm := true; i := i + 1; goto1; end; s3 := s3 + copy(s, 1, 1); delete(s, 1, 1); fm := true; PrPos := 1; end;
if (MaskList[i] <> '`') and (MaskList[i] <> '|') then begin if pos(MaskList[i], s) = 0then goto2; j := pos(MaskList[i], s); s3 := s3 + copy(s, j, length(MaskList[i])); delete(s, 1, j + length(MaskList[i]) - 1); fm := true; PrPos := length(MaskList[i]); fm := true end; end;
if (PrPos <> 0) and (i = MaskList.Count - 1) then begin if (MaskList[i] = '`') then begin s3 := s3 + s; s := ''; fm := true; PrPos := j; end; if (MaskList[i] = '|') then begin s3 := s3 + copy(s, 1, 1); delete(s, 1, 1); fm := true; PrPos := 1; end; if (MaskList[i] <> '`') and (MaskList[i] <> '|') then begin if pos(MaskList[i], s) <> 0then j := pos(MaskList[i], s) + length(MaskList[i]) - 1 else goto2; s3 := s3 + copy(s, 1, j); delete(s, 1, j); fm := true; PrPos := j + length(s3); end; end; 1: inc(i); end; s5 := s3; if s3 <> ''then for i := 0to MaskList.Count - 1do if (MaskList[i] <> '`') and (MaskList[i] <> '|') then begin if pos(MaskList[i], s3) = 0then goto2; s3 := StringReplace(s3, MaskList[i], '', []); end;
s3 := s5; MaskList.Free;
if fm then begin result := s3; end { {result:=''; else if length(s)>=length(Mask) then result:=CompMask(s,Mask) else Result:='';} end;
destructor TmaskObj.close; begin;; end;
constructor; begin Maschr := TStringList.Create; Masposish := TStringList.Create; end; end. Пример использования:
s := 'asd r'; s := CompMask(s, 'd |'); //в результате s='d r'; |
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