К этому моменту мы полностью определили TINY. Он не слишком значителен... в действительности игрушечный компилятор. TINY имеет только один тип данных и не имеет подпрограмм... но это законченный, пригодный для использования язык. Пока что вы не имеете возможности написать на нем другой компилятор или сделать что-нибудь еще очень серьезное, но вы могли бы писать программы для чтения входных данных, выполнения вычислений и вывода результатов. Не слишком плохо для игрушки.
Более важно, что мы имеем твердую основу для дальнейшего развития. Я знаю, что вы будете рады слышать это: в последний раз я начал с создания синтаксического анализатора заново... с этого момента я предполагаю просто добавлять возможности в TINY пока он не превратится в KISS. Ох, будет время, когда нам понадобится попробовать некоторые вещи с новыми копиями Cradle, но как только мы разузнаем как они делаются, они будут встроены в TINY.
Какие это будут возможности? Хорошо, для начала нам понадобятся подпрограммы и функции. Затем нам нужна возможность обрабатывать различные типы, включая массивы, строки и другие структуры. Затем нам нужно работать с идеей указателей. Все это будет в следующих главах.
В справочных целях полный листинг TINY версии 1.0 показан ниже:
Code: |
program Tiny10;
{ Constant Declarations } const TAB = ^I; CR = ^M; LF = ^J; LCount: integer = 0; NEntry: integer = 0;
{ Type Declarations } type Symbol = string[8]; SymTab = array[1..1000] of Symbol; TabPtr = ^SymTab;
{ Variable Declarations } var Look : char; { Lookahead Character } Token: char; { Encoded Token } Value: string[16]; { Unencoded Token }
const MaxEntry = 100; var ST : array[1..MaxEntry] of Symbol; SType: array[1..MaxEntry] of char;
{ Definition of Keywords and Token Types } const NKW = 11; NKW1 = 12; const KWlist: array[1..NKW] of Symbol = ('IF', 'ELSE', 'ENDIF', 'WHILE', 'ENDWHILE', 'READ', 'WRITE', 'VAR', 'BEGIN', 'END', 'PROGRAM'); const KWcode: string[NKW1] = 'xileweRWvbep';
{ Read New Character From Input Stream } procedure GetChar; begin Read(Look); end;
{ Report an Error } procedure Error(s: string); begin WriteLn; WriteLn(^G, 'Error: ', s, '.'); end;
{ Report Error and Halt } procedure Abort(s: string); begin Error(s); Halt; end;
{ Report What Was Expected } procedure Expected(s: string); begin Abort(s + ' Expected'); end;
{ Report an Undefined Identifier } procedure Undefined(n: string); begin Abort('Undefined Identifier ' + n); end;
{ Recognize an Alpha Character } function IsAlpha(c: char): boolean; begin IsAlpha := UpCase(c) in ['A'..'Z']; end;
{ Recognize a Decimal Digit } function IsDigit(c: char): boolean; begin IsDigit := c in ['0'..'9']; end;
{ Recognize an AlphaNumeric Character } function IsAlNum(c: char): boolean; begin IsAlNum := IsAlpha(c) or IsDigit(c); end;
{ Recognize an Addop } function IsAddop(c: char): boolean; begin IsAddop := c in ['+', '-']; end;
{ Recognize a Mulop } function IsMulop(c: char): boolean; begin IsMulop := c in ['*', '/']; end;
{ Recognize a Boolean Orop } function IsOrop(c: char): boolean; begin IsOrop := c in ['|', '~']; end;
{ Recognize a Relop } function IsRelop(c: char): boolean; begin IsRelop := c in ['=', '#', '<', '>']; end;
{ Recognize White Space } function IsWhite(c: char): boolean; begin IsWhite := c in [' ', TAB]; end;
{ Skip Over Leading White Space } procedure SkipWhite; begin while IsWhite(Look) do GetChar; end;
{ Skip Over an End-of-Line } procedure NewLine; begin while Look = CR do begin GetChar; if Look = LF then GetChar; SkipWhite; end; end;
{ Match a Specific Input Character } procedure Match(x: char); begin NewLine; if Look = x then GetChar else Expected('''' + x + ''''); SkipWhite; end;
{ Table Lookup } function Lookup(T: TabPtr; s: string; n: integer): integer; var i: integer; found: Boolean; begin found := false; i := n; while (i > 0) and not found do if s = T^[i] then found := true else dec(i); Lookup := i; end;
{ Locate a Symbol in Table } { Returns the index of the entry. Zero if not present. } function Locate(N: Symbol): integer; begin Locate := Lookup(@ST, n, MaxEntry); end;
{ Look for Symbol in Table } function InTable(n: Symbol): Boolean; begin InTable := Lookup(@ST, n, MaxEntry) <> 0; end;
{ Add a New Entry to Symbol Table } procedure AddEntry(N: Symbol; T: char); begin if InTable(N) then Abort('Duplicate Identifier ' + N); if NEntry = MaxEntry then Abort('Symbol Table Full'); Inc(NEntry); ST[NEntry] := N; SType[NEntry] := T; end;
{ Get an Identifier } procedure GetName; begin NewLine; if not IsAlpha(Look) then Expected('Name'); Value := ''; while IsAlNum(Look) do begin Value := Value + UpCase(Look); GetChar; end; SkipWhite; end;
{ Get a Number } function GetNum: integer; var Val: integer; begin NewLine; if not IsDigit(Look) then Expected('Integer'); Val := 0; while IsDigit(Look) do begin Val := 10 * Val + Ord(Look) - Ord('0'); GetChar; end; GetNum := Val; SkipWhite; end;
{ Get an Identifier and Scan it for Keywords } procedure Scan; begin GetName; Token := KWcode[Lookup(Addr(KWlist), Value, NKW) + 1]; end;
{ Match a Specific Input String } procedure MatchString(x: string); begin if Value <> x then Expected('''' + x + ''''); end;
{ Output a String with Tab } procedure Emit(s: string); begin Write(TAB, s); end;
{ Output a String with Tab and CRLF } procedure EmitLn(s: string); begin Emit(s); WriteLn; end;
{ Generate a Unique Label } function NewLabel: string; var S: string; begin Str(LCount, S); NewLabel := 'L' + S; Inc(LCount); end;
{ Post a Label To Output } procedure PostLabel(L: string); begin WriteLn(L, ':'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Clear the Primary Register } procedure Clear; begin EmitLn('CLR D0'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Negate the Primary Register } procedure Negate; begin EmitLn('NEG D0'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Complement the Primary Register } procedure NotIt; begin EmitLn('NOT D0'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Load a Constant Value to Primary Register } procedure LoadConst(n: integer); begin Emit('MOVE #'); WriteLn(n, ',D0'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Load a Variable to Primary Register } procedure LoadVar(Name: string); begin if not InTable(Name) then Undefined(Name); EmitLn('MOVE ' + Name + '(PC),D0'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Push Primary onto Stack } procedure Push; begin EmitLn('MOVE D0,-(SP)'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Add Top of Stack to Primary } procedure PopAdd; begin EmitLn('ADD (SP)+,D0'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Subtract Primary from Top of Stack } procedure PopSub; begin EmitLn('SUB (SP)+,D0'); EmitLn('NEG D0'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Multiply Top of Stack by Primary } procedure PopMul; begin EmitLn('MULS (SP)+,D0'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Divide Top of Stack by Primary } procedure PopDiv; begin EmitLn('MOVE (SP)+,D7'); EmitLn('EXT.L D7'); EmitLn('DIVS D0,D7'); EmitLn('MOVE D7,D0'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { AND Top of Stack with Primary } procedure PopAnd; begin EmitLn('AND (SP)+,D0'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { OR Top of Stack with Primary } procedure PopOr; begin EmitLn('OR (SP)+,D0'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { XOR Top of Stack with Primary } procedure PopXor; begin EmitLn('EOR (SP)+,D0'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Compare Top of Stack with Primary } procedure PopCompare; begin EmitLn('CMP (SP)+,D0'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Set D0 If Compare was = } procedure SetEqual; begin EmitLn('SEQ D0'); EmitLn('EXT D0'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Set D0 If Compare was != } procedure SetNEqual; begin EmitLn('SNE D0'); EmitLn('EXT D0'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Set D0 If Compare was > } procedure SetGreater; begin EmitLn('SLT D0'); EmitLn('EXT D0'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Set D0 If Compare was < } procedure SetLess; begin EmitLn('SGT D0'); EmitLn('EXT D0'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Set D0 If Compare was <= } procedure SetLessOrEqual; begin EmitLn('SGE D0'); EmitLn('EXT D0'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Set D0 If Compare was >= } procedure SetGreaterOrEqual; begin EmitLn('SLE D0'); EmitLn('EXT D0'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Store Primary to Variable } procedure Store(Name: string); begin if not InTable(Name) then Undefined(Name); EmitLn('LEA ' + Name + '(PC),A0'); EmitLn('MOVE D0,(A0)') end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Branch Unconditional } procedure Branch(L: string); begin EmitLn('BRA ' + L); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Branch False } procedure BranchFalse(L: string); begin EmitLn('TST D0'); EmitLn('BEQ ' + L); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Read Variable to Primary Register } procedure ReadVar; begin EmitLn('BSR READ'); Store(Value[1]); end;
{ Write Variable from Primary Register } procedure WriteVar; begin EmitLn('BSR WRITE'); end;
{ Write Header Info } procedure Header; begin WriteLn('WARMST', TAB, 'EQU $A01E'); end;
{ Write the Prolog } procedure Prolog; begin PostLabel('MAIN'); end;
{ Write the Epilog } procedure Epilog; begin EmitLn('DC WARMST'); EmitLn('END MAIN'); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Parse and Translate a Math Factor } procedure BoolExpression; Forward; procedure Factor; begin if Look = '(' then begin Match('('); BoolExpression; Match(')'); end else if IsAlpha(Look) then begin GetName; LoadVar(Value); end else LoadConst(GetNum); end;
{ Parse and Translate a Negative Factor } procedure NegFactor; begin Match('-'); if IsDigit(Look) then LoadConst(-GetNum) else begin Factor; Negate; end; end;
{ Parse and Translate a Leading Factor } procedure FirstFactor; begin case Look of '+': begin Match('+'); Factor; end; '-': NegFactor; else Factor; end; end;
{ Recognize and Translate a Multiply } procedure Multiply; begin Match('*'); Factor; PopMul; end;
{-------------------------------------------------------------} { Recognize and Translate a Divide } procedure Divide; begin Match('/'); Factor; PopDiv; end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Common Code Used by Term and FirstTerm } procedure Term1; begin while IsMulop(Look) do begin Push; case Look of '*': Multiply; '/': Divide; end; end; end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Parse and Translate a Math Term } procedure Term; begin Factor; Term1; end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Parse and Translate a Leading Term } procedure FirstTerm; begin FirstFactor; Term1; end;
{ Recognize and Translate an Add } procedure Add; begin Match('+'); Term; PopAdd; end;
{-------------------------------------------------------------} { Recognize and Translate a Subtract } procedure Subtract; begin Match('-'); Term; PopSub; end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Parse and Translate an Expression } procedure Expression; begin FirstTerm; while IsAddop(Look) do begin Push; case Look of '+': Add; '-': Subtract; end; end; end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Recognize and Translate a Relational "Equals" } procedure Equal; begin Match('='); Expression; PopCompare; SetEqual; end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Recognize and Translate a Relational "Less Than or Equal" } procedure LessOrEqual; begin Match('='); Expression; PopCompare; SetLessOrEqual; end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Recognize and Translate a Relational "Not Equals" } procedure NotEqual; begin Match('>'); Expression; PopCompare; SetNEqual; end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Recognize and Translate a Relational "Less Than" } procedure Less; begin Match('<'); case Look of '=': LessOrEqual; '>': NotEqual; else begin Expression; PopCompare; SetLess; end; end; end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Recognize and Translate a Relational "Greater Than" } procedure Greater; begin Match('>'); if Look = '=' then begin Match('='); Expression; PopCompare; SetGreaterOrEqual; end else begin Expression; PopCompare; SetGreater; end; end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Parse and Translate a Relation }
procedure Relation; begin Expression; if IsRelop(Look) then begin Push; case Look of '=': Equal; '<': Less; '>': Greater; end; end; end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Parse and Translate a Boolean Factor with Leading NOT } procedure NotFactor; begin if Look = '!' then begin Match('!'); Relation; NotIt; end else Relation; end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Parse and Translate a Boolean Term } procedure BoolTerm; begin NotFactor; while Look = '&' do begin Push; Match('&'); NotFactor; PopAnd; end; end;
{ Recognize and Translate a Boolean OR } procedure BoolOr; begin Match('|'); BoolTerm; PopOr; end;
{ Recognize and Translate an Exclusive Or } procedure BoolXor; begin Match('~'); BoolTerm; PopXor; end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Parse and Translate a Boolean Expression } procedure BoolExpression; begin BoolTerm; while IsOrOp(Look) do begin Push; case Look of '|': BoolOr; '~': BoolXor; end; end; end;
{ Parse and Translate an Assignment Statement } procedure Assignment; var Name: string; begin Name := Value; Match('='); BoolExpression; Store(Name); end;
{---------------------------------------------------------------} { Recognize and Translate an IF Construct } procedure Block; Forward;
procedure DoIf; var L1, L2: string; begin BoolExpression; L1 := NewLabel; L2 := L1; BranchFalse(L1); Block; if Token = 'l' then begin L2 := NewLabel; Branch(L2); PostLabel(L1); Block; end; PostLabel(L2); MatchString('ENDIF'); end;
{ Parse and Translate a WHILE Statement } procedure DoWhile; var L1, L2: string; begin L1 := NewLabel; L2 := NewLabel; PostLabel(L1); BoolExpression; BranchFalse(L2); Block; MatchString('ENDWHILE'); Branch(L1); PostLabel(L2); end;
{ Process a Read Statement } procedure DoRead; begin Match('('); GetName; ReadVar; while Look = ',' do begin Match(','); GetName; ReadVar; end; Match(')'); end;
{ Process a Write Statement } procedure DoWrite; begin Match('('); Expression; WriteVar; while Look = ',' do begin Match(','); Expression; WriteVar; end; Match(')'); end;
{ Parse and Translate a Block of Statements } procedure Block; begin Scan; while not(Token in ['e', 'l']) do begin case Token of 'i': DoIf; 'w': DoWhile; 'R': DoRead; 'W': DoWrite; else Assignment; end; Scan; end; end;
{ Allocate Storage for a Variable } procedure Alloc(N: Symbol); begin if InTable(N) then Abort('Duplicate Variable Name ' + N); AddEntry(N, 'v'); Write(N, ':', TAB, 'DC '); if Look = '=' then begin Match('='); If Look = '-' then begin Write(Look); Match('-'); end; WriteLn(GetNum); end else WriteLn('0'); end;
{ Parse and Translate a Data Declaration } procedure Decl; begin GetName; Alloc(Value); while Look = ',' do begin Match(','); GetName; Alloc(Value); end; end;
{ Parse and Translate Global Declarations } procedure TopDecls; begin Scan; while Token <> 'b' do begin case Token of 'v': Decl; else Abort('Unrecognized Keyword ' + Value); end; Scan; end; end;
{ Parse and Translate a Main Program } procedure Main; begin MatchString('BEGIN'); Prolog; Block; MatchString('END'); Epilog; end;
{ Parse and Translate a Program } procedure Prog; begin MatchString('PROGRAM'); Header; TopDecls; Main; Match('.'); end;
{ Initialize } procedure Init; var i: integer; begin for i := 1 to MaxEntry do begin ST[i] := ''; SType[i] := ' '; end; GetChar; Scan; end;
{ Main Program } begin Init; Prog; if Look <> CR then Abort('Unexpected data after ''.'''); end. |
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