The following example shows how to show all files and their associated icons of a folder in a TListView.
To test the code, you need a ListView1 and a ImageList1 where the icons are stored.
uses ShellApi;
procedure LV_InsertFiles(strPath: string; ListView: TListView; ImageList: TImageList); var i: Integer; Icon: TIcon; SearchRec: TSearchRec; ListItem: TListItem; FileInfo: SHFILEINFO; begin // Create a temporary TIcon Icon := TIcon.Create; ListView.Items.BeginUpdate; try // search for the first file i := FindFirst(strPath + '*.*', faAnyFile, SearchRec); while i = 0 do begin with ListView do begin // On directories and volumes if ((SearchRec.Attr and FaDirectory <> FaDirectory) and (SearchRec.Attr and FaVolumeId <> FaVolumeID)) then begin ListItem := ListView.Items.Add; //Get The DisplayName SHGetFileInfo(PChar(strPath + SearchRec.Name), 0, FileInfo, SizeOf(FileInfo), SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME); Listitem.Caption := FileInfo.szDisplayName; // Get The TypeName SHGetFileInfo(PChar(strPath + SearchRec.Name), 0, FileInfo, SizeOf(FileInfo), SHGFI_TYPENAME); ListItem.SubItems.Add(FileInfo.szTypeName); //Get The Icon That Represents The File SHGetFileInfo(PChar(strPath + SearchRec.Name), 0, FileInfo, SizeOf(FileInfo), SHGFI_ICON or SHGFI_SMALLICON); icon.Handle := FileInfo.hIcon; ListItem.ImageIndex := ImageList.AddIcon(Icon); // Destroy the Icon DestroyIcon(FileInfo.hIcon); end; end; i := FindNext(SearchRec); end; finally Icon.Free; ListView.Items.EndUpdate; end; end;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin // Assign a Imagelist to the ListView ListView1.SmallImages := ImageList1; // Show Listview in Report Style and add 2 Columns ListView1.ViewStyle := vsReport; ListView1.Columns.Add; ListView1.Columns.Add; LV_InsertFiles('C:\Windows\', ListView1, ImageList1); end; |
Code: |
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, comctrls, StdCtrls;
type TForm1 = class(TForm) ListView1: TListView; Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private procedure SaveListViewToFile(AListView: TListView; sFileName: string); procedure LoadListViewToFile(AListView: TListView; sFileName: string); public end;
const Msg1 = 'File "%s" does not exist!'; Msg2 = '"%s" is not a ListView file!';
var Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.DFM}
procedure TForm1.SaveListViewToFile(AListView: TListView; sFileName: string); var idxItem, idxSub, IdxImage: Integer; F: TFileStream; pText: PChar; sText: string; W, ItemCount, SubCount: Word; MySignature: array[0..2] of Char; begin //Initialization with AListView do begin ItemCount := 0; SubCount := 0; //**** MySignature := 'LVF'; // ListViewFile F := TFileStream.Create(sFileName, fmCreate or fmOpenWrite); F.Write(MySignature, SizeOf(MySignature)); if Items.Count = 0 then // List is empty ItemCount := 0 else ItemCount := Items.Count; F.Write(ItemCount, SizeOf(ItemCount)); if Items.Count > 0 then begin for idxItem := 1 to ItemCount do begin with Items[idxItem - 1] do begin //Save subitems count if SubItems.Count = 0 then SubCount := 0 else SubCount := Subitems.Count; F.Write(SubCount, SizeOf(SubCount)); //Save ImageIndex IdxImage := ImageIndex; F.Write(IdxImage, SizeOf(IdxImage)); //Save Caption sText := Caption; w := Length(sText); pText := StrAlloc(Length(sText) + 1); StrPLCopy(pText, sText, Length(sText)); F.Write(w, SizeOf(w)); F.Write(pText^, w); StrDispose(pText); if SubCount > 0 then begin for idxSub := 0 to SubItems.Count - 1 do begin //Save Item's subitems sText := SubItems[idxSub]; w := Length(sText); pText := StrAlloc(Length(sText) + 1); StrPLCopy(pText, sText, Length(sText)); F.Write(w, SizeOf(w)); F.Write(pText^, w); StrDispose(pText); end; end; end; end; end; F.Free; end; end;
procedure TForm1.LoadListViewToFile(AListView: TListView; sFileName: string); var F: TFileStream; IdxItem, IdxSubItem, IdxImage: Integer; W, ItemCount, SubCount: Word; pText: PChar; PTemp: PChar; MySignature: array[0..2] of Char; sExeName: string; begin with AListView do begin ItemCount := 0; SubCount := 0; sExeName := ExtractFileName(sFileName); if not FileExists(sFileName) then begin MessageBox(Handle, PChar(Format(Msg1, [sExeName])), 'I/O Error', MB_ICONERROR); Exit; end; F := TFileStream.Create(sFileName, fmOpenRead); F.Read(MySignature, SizeOf(MySignature)); if MySignature <> 'LVF' then begin MessageBox(Handle, PChar(Format(Msg2, [sExeName])), 'I/O Error', MB_ICONERROR); Exit; end; F.Read(ItemCount, SizeOf(ItemCount)); Items.Clear; for idxItem := 1 to ItemCount do begin with Items.Add do begin //Read imageindex F.Read(SubCount, SizeOf(SubCount)); //Read imageindex F.Read(IdxImage, SizeOf(IdxImage)); ImageIndex := IdxImage; //Read the Caption F.Read(w, SizeOf(w)); pText := StrAlloc(w + 1); pTemp := StrAlloc(w + 1); F.Read(pTemp^, W); StrLCopy(pText, pTemp, W); Caption := StrPas(pText); StrDispose(pTemp); StrDispose(pText); if SubCount > 0 then begin for idxSubItem := 1 to SubCount do begin F.Read(w, SizeOf(w)); pText := StrAlloc(w + 1); pTemp := StrAlloc(w + 1); F.Read(pTemp^, W); StrLCopy(pText, pTemp, W); Items[idxItem - 1].SubItems.Add(StrPas(pText)); StrDispose(pTemp); StrDispose(pText); end; end; end; end; F.Free; end; end;
// Example: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin // Save Items and Clear the ListView SaveListViewToFile(ListView1, 'MyListView.sav'); ListView1.Items.Clear; end;
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin // Load Items LoadListViewToFile(ListView1, 'MyListView.sav'); end; |
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