Как правило, приложение не требуется получать уведомления при переключении сеанса происходить. Тем не менее, если приложение должно быть в курсе, когда его рабочий стол
течение, оно может зарегистрировать для уведомлений переключателя сеанса. Приложения, которые доступ к последовательному порту или другому общему ресурсу на компьютере должен
Проверьте на это. Для регистрации уведомления используйте следующую функцию:
Code: |
function WTSRegisterSessionNotification( hWnd: HWND , // Window handle dwFlags: DWORD // Flags ): Bool; // Return value
{ The registered HWND receives the message WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE through its WindowProc function. In dwFlags you can specify: a) NOTIFY_FOR_THIS_SESSION. A window is notified only about the session change events that affect the session to which window belongs. b) NOTIFY_FOR_ALL_SESSIONS. A window is notified for all session change events. The action happening on the session can be found in wParam code, which may contain one of the following flags.
WTS_CONSOLE_CONNECT: A session was connected to the console session. WTS_CONSOLE_DISCONNECT: A session was disconnected from the console session. WTS_REMOTE_CONNECT: A session was connected to the remote session. WTS_REMOTE_DISCONNECT: A session was disconnected from the remote session. WTS_SESSION_LOGON: A user has logged on to the session. WTS_SESSION_LOGOFF: A user has logged off the session. WTS_SESSION_LOCK: A session has been locked. WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK: A session has been unlocked. WTS_SESSION_REMOTE_CONTROL: A session has changed its remote controlled status.
lParam contains the sessionId for the session affected.
When your process no longer requires these notifications or is terminating, it should call the following to unregister its notification.
} function WTSUnRegisterSesssionNotification( hWnd: HWND // window handle. ): Boolean; // Result
The HWND values passed to WTSRegisterSessionNotification are reference counted, so you must call WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification exactly the same number of times that you call WTSRegisterSessionNotification.
Applications can use the WTS_CONSOLE_CONNECT, WTS_CONSOLE_DISCONNECT, WTS_REMOTE_CONNECT, WTS_REMOTE_DISCONNECT messages to track their state, as well as to release and acquire console specific resources. } |
Code: |
unit Wtsapi;
{ (c) By Thomas Stutz 10. April 02 }
uses Windows;
const // The WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE message notifies applications of changes in session state. WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE = $2B1;
// Only session notifications involving the session attached to by the window // identified by the hWnd parameter value are to be received. NOTIFY_FOR_THIS_SESSION = 0; // All session notifications are to be received. NOTIFY_FOR_ALL_SESSIONS = 1;
function RegisterSessionNotification(Wnd: HWND; dwFlags: DWORD): Boolean; function UnRegisterSessionNotification(Wnd: HWND): Boolean; function GetCurrentSessionID: Integer;
function RegisterSessionNotification(Wnd: HWND; dwFlags: DWORD): Boolean; // The RegisterSessionNotification function registers the specified window // to receive session change notifications. // Parameters: // hWnd: Handle of the window to receive session change notifications. // dwFlags: Specifies which session notifications are to be received: // (NOTIFY_FOR_THIS_SESSION, NOTIFY_FOR_ALL_SESSIONS) type TWTSRegisterSessionNotification = function(Wnd: HWND; dwFlags: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall; var hWTSapi32dll: THandle; WTSRegisterSessionNotification: TWTSRegisterSessionNotification; begin Result := False; hWTSAPI32DLL := LoadLibrary('Wtsapi32.dll'); if (hWTSAPI32DLL > 0) then begin try @WTSRegisterSessionNotification := GetProcAddress(hWTSAPI32DLL, 'WTSRegisterSessionNotification'); if Assigned(WTSRegisterSessionNotification) then begin Result:= WTSRegisterSessionNotification(Wnd, dwFlags); end; finally if hWTSAPI32DLL > 0 then FreeLibrary(hWTSAPI32DLL); end; end; end;
function UnRegisterSessionNotification(Wnd: HWND): Boolean; // The RegisterSessionNotification function unregisters the specified window // Parameters: // hWnd: Handle to the window type TWTSUnRegisterSessionNotification = function(Wnd: HWND): BOOL; stdcall; var hWTSapi32dll: THandle; WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification: TWTSUnRegisterSessionNotification; begin Result := False; hWTSAPI32DLL := LoadLibrary('Wtsapi32.dll'); if (hWTSAPI32DLL > 0) then begin try @WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification := GetProcAddress(hWTSAPI32DLL, 'WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification'); if Assigned(WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification) then begin Result:= WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification(Wnd); end; finally if hWTSAPI32DLL > 0 then FreeLibrary(hWTSAPI32DLL); end; end; end;
function GetCurrentSessionID: Integer; // Getting the session id from the current process type TProcessIdToSessionId = function(dwProcessId: DWORD; pSessionId: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall; var ProcessIdToSessionId: TProcessIdToSessionId; hWTSapi32dll: THandle; Lib : THandle; pSessionId : DWord; begin Result := 0; Lib := GetModuleHandle('kernel32'); if Lib <> 0 then begin ProcessIdToSessionId := GetProcAddress(Lib, '1ProcessIdToSessionId'); if Assigned(ProcessIdToSessionId) then begin ProcessIdToSessionId(GetCurrentProcessId(), DWORD(@pSessionId)); Result:= pSessionId; end; end; end;
end. |
Code: |
unit Unit1;
uses Windows, Messages, {...}, Wtsapi;
type TForm1 = class(TForm) procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } FRegisteredSessionNotification : Boolean; procedure AppMessage(var Msg: TMSG; var HAndled: Boolean); end;
var Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.DFM}
procedure TForm1.AppMessage(var Msg: TMSG; var Handled: Boolean); var strReason: string; begin Handled := False; // Check for WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE message if Msg.Message = WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE then begin case Msg.wParam of WTS_CONSOLE_CONNECT: strReason := 'WTS_CONSOLE_CONNECT'; WTS_CONSOLE_DISCONNECT: strReason := 'WTS_CONSOLE_DISCONNECT'; WTS_REMOTE_CONNECT: strReason := 'WTS_REMOTE_CONNECT'; WTS_REMOTE_DISCONNECT: strReason := 'WTS_REMOTE_DISCONNECT'; WTS_SESSION_LOGON: strReason := 'WTS_SESSION_LOGON'; WTS_SESSION_LOGOFF: strReason := 'WTS_SESSION_LOGOFF'; WTS_SESSION_LOCK: strReason := 'WTS_SESSION_LOCK'; WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK: strReason := 'WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK'; WTS_SESSION_REMOTE_CONTROL: begin strReason := 'WTS_SESSION_REMOTE_CONTROL'; // GetSystemMetrics(SM_REMOTECONTROL); end; else strReason := 'WTS_Unknown'; end; // Write strReason to a Memo Memo1.Lines.Add(strReason + ' ' + IntToStr(msg.Lparam)); end; end;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin // register the window to receive session change notifications. FRegisteredSessionNotification := RegisterSessionNotification(Handle, NOTIFY_FOR_THIS_SESSION); Application.OnMessage := AppMessage; end;
procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin // unregister session change notifications. if FRegisteredSessionNotification then UnRegisterSessionNotification(Handle); end;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin // retrieve current session ID ShowMessage(Inttostr(GetCurrentSessionID)); end; |
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