Построение формы на чистом API
Code: |
program PlainAPI;
uses Windows, Messages;
{$R *.res}
function PlainWinProc (hWnd: THandle; nMsg: UINT; wParam, lParam: Cardinal): Cardinal; export; stdcall; var hdc: THandle; ps: TPaintStruct; begin Result := 0; case nMsg of wm_lButtonDown: MessageBox (hWnd, 'Mouse Clicked', 'Plain API', MB_OK); wm_Paint: begin hdc := BeginPaint (hWnd, ps); Ellipse (hdc, 100, 100, 300, 300); EndPaint (hWnd, ps); end; wm_Destroy: PostQuitMessage (0); else Result := DefWindowProc (hWnd, nMsg, wParam, lParam); end; end;
procedure WinMain; var hWnd: THandle; Msg: TMsg; WndClassEx: TWndClassEx; begin // initialize the window class structure WndClassEx.cbSize := sizeOf (TWndClassEx); WndClassEx.lpszClassName := 'PlainWindow'; WndClassEx.style := cs_VRedraw or cs_HRedraw; WndClassEx.hInstance := HInstance; WndClassEx.lpfnWndProc := @PlainWinProc; WndClassEx.cbClsExtra := 0; WndClassEx.cbWndExtra := 0; WndClassEx.hIcon := LoadIcon (hInstance, MakeIntResource ('MAINICON')); WndClassEx.hIconSm := LoadIcon (hInstance, MakeIntResource ('MAINICON')); WndClassEx.hCursor := LoadCursor (0, idc_Arrow);; WndClassEx.hbrBackground := GetStockObject (white_Brush); WndClassEx.lpszMenuName := nil; // register the class if RegisterClassEx (WndClassEx) = 0 then MessageBox (0, 'Invalid class registration', 'Plain API', MB_OK) else begin hWnd := CreateWindowEx ( ws_Ex_OverlappedWindow, // extended styles WndClassEx.lpszClassName, // class name 'Plain API Demo', // title ws_OverlappedWindow, // styles cw_UseDefault, 0, // position cw_UseDefault, 0, // size 0, // parent window 0, // menu HInstance, // instance handle nil); // initial parameters if hWnd = 0 then MessageBox (0, 'Window not created', 'Plain API', MB_OK) else begin ShowWindow (hWnd, sw_ShowNormal); while GetMessage (Msg, 0, 0, 0) do begin TranslateMessage (Msg); DispatchMessage (Msg); end; end; end; end;
begin WinMain; end. |
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