Это пример запуска консольных программ с передачей ей консольного ввода (как если бы он был введен с клавиатуры после запуска программы) и чтением консольного вывода. Таким способом можно запускать например стандартный виндовый ftp.exe (в невидимом окне) и тем самым отказаться от использования специализированных, зачастую глючных компонент.
Code: |
function ExecuteFile(FileName,StdInput: string; TimeOut: integer; var StdOutput:string) : boolean;
label Error;
type TPipeArray = array [TPipeHandles] of THandle;
var i : integer; ph : TPipeHandles; sa : TSecurityAttributes; Pipes : TPipeArray; StartInf : TStartupInfo; ProcInf : TProcessInformation; Buf : array[0..1024] of byte; TimeStart : TDateTime;
function ReadOutput : string; var i : integer; s : string; BytesRead : longint;
begin Result := ''; repeat
Buf[0]:=26; WriteFile(Pipes[OUT_WRITE],Buf,1,BytesRead,nil); if ReadFile(Pipes[OUT_READ],Buf,1024,BytesRead,nil) then begin if BytesRead>0 then begin buf[BytesRead]:=0; s := StrPas(@Buf[0]); i := Pos(#26,s); if i>0 then s := copy(s,1,i-1); Result := Result + s; end; end;
if BytesRead1024 then break; until false; end;
begin Result := false; for ph := Low(TPipeHandles) to High(TPipeHandles) do Pipes[ph] := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// Создаем пайпы sa.nLength := sizeof(sa); sa.bInheritHandle := TRUE; sa.lpSecurityDescriptor := nil;
if not CreatePipe(Pipes[IN_READ],Pipes[IN_WRITE], @sa, 0 ) then goto Error; if not CreatePipe(Pipes[OUT_READ],Pipes[OUT_WRITE], @sa, 0 ) then goto Error; if not CreatePipe(Pipes[ERR_READ],Pipes[ERR_WRITE], @sa, 0 ) then goto Error;
// Пишем StdIn StrPCopy(@Buf[0],stdInput+^Z); WriteFile(Pipes[IN_WRITE],Buf,Length(stdInput),i,nil);
// Хендл записи в StdIn надо закрыть - иначе выполняемая программа // может не прочитать или прочитать не весь StdIn.
FillChar(StartInf,sizeof(TStartupInfo),0); StartInf.cb := sizeof(TStartupInfo); StartInf.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW or STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
StartInf.wShowWindow := SW_SHOW; // SW_HIDE если надо запустить невидимо
StartInf.hStdInput := Pipes[IN_READ]; StartInf.hStdOutput := Pipes[OUT_WRITE]; StartInf.hStdError := Pipes[ERR_WRITE];
if not CreateProcess(nil, PChar(FileName), nil, nil, True, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, StartInf, ProcInf) then goto Error;
TimeStart := Now;
repeat Application.ProcessMessages; i := WaitForSingleObject(ProcInf.hProcess,100); if i = WAIT_OBJECT_0 then break; if (Now-TimeStart)*SecsPerDay>TimeOut then break; until false;
if iWAIT_OBJECT_0 then goto Error; StdOutput := ReadOutput;
for ph := Low(TPipeHandles) to High(TPipeHandles) do if Pipes[ph]INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then CloseHandle(Pipes[ph]);
CloseHandle(ProcInf.hProcess); CloseHandle(ProcInf.hThread); Result := true; Exit;
if ProcInf.hProcessINVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
begin CloseHandle(ProcInf.hThread); i := WaitForSingleObject(ProcInf.hProcess, 1000); CloseHandle(ProcInf.hProcess); if iWAIT_OBJECT_0 then
begin ProcInf.hProcess := OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, FALSE, ProcInf.dwProcessId);
if ProcInf.hProcess 0 then begin TerminateProcess(ProcInf.hProcess, 0); CloseHandle(ProcInf.hProcess); end; end; end;
for ph := Low(TPipeHandles) to High(TPipeHandles) do if Pipes[ph]INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then CloseHandle(Pipes[ph]);
end; |
Автор: Алексей Бойко
Code: |
procedure Dos2Win(CmdLine:String; OutMemo:TMemo); const BUFSIZE = 2000; var SecAttr : TSecurityAttributes; hReadPipe, hWritePipe : THandle; StartupInfo: TStartUpInfo; ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation; Buffer : Pchar; WaitReason, BytesRead : DWord; begin
with SecAttr do begin nlength := SizeOf(TSecurityAttributes); binherithandle := true; lpsecuritydescriptor := nil; end; // Creazione della pipe if Createpipe (hReadPipe, hWritePipe, @SecAttr, 0) then begin Buffer := AllocMem(BUFSIZE + 1); // Allochiamo un buffer di dimensioni BUFSIZE+1 FillChar(StartupInfo, Sizeof(StartupInfo), #0); StartupInfo.cb := SizeOf(StartupInfo); StartupInfo.hStdOutput := hWritePipe; StartupInfo.hStdInput := hReadPipe; StartupInfo.dwFlags := STARTF_USESTDHANDLES + STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; StartupInfo.wShowWindow := SW_HIDE;
if CreateProcess(nil, PChar(CmdLine), @SecAttr, @SecAttr, true, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, StartupInfo, ProcessInfo) then begin // Attendiamo la fine dell'esecuzione del processo repeat WaitReason := WaitForSingleObject( ProcessInfo.hProcess,100); Application.ProcessMessages; until (WaitReason <> WAIT_TIMEOUT); // Leggiamo la pipe Repeat BytesRead := 0; // Leggiamo "BUFSIZE" bytes dalla pipe ReadFile(hReadPipe, Buffer[0], BUFSIZE, BytesRead, nil); // Convertiamo in una stringa "\0 terminated" Buffer[BytesRead]:= #0; // Convertiamo i caratteri da DOS ad ANSI OemToAnsi(Buffer,Buffer); // Scriviamo nell' "OutMemo" l'output ricevuto tramite pipe OutMemo.Text := OutMemo.text + String(Buffer); until (BytesRead < BUFSIZE); end; FreeMem(Buffer); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(hReadPipe); CloseHandle(hWritePipe); end; end; |
А это исправленный Song'ом вариант для обеспечения вывода текста в real-time:
Code: |
procedure RunDosInMemo(CmdLine:String;AMemo:TMemo); const ReadBuffer = 2400; var Security : TSecurityAttributes; ReadPipe,WritePipe : THandle; start : TStartUpInfo; ProcessInfo : TProcessInformation; Buffer : Pchar; BytesRead : DWord; Apprunning : DWord; begin Screen.Cursor:=CrHourGlass; Form1.Button1.Enabled:=False; With Security do begin nlength := SizeOf(TSecurityAttributes); binherithandle := true; lpsecuritydescriptor := nil; end; if Createpipe (ReadPipe, WritePipe, @Security, 0) then begin Buffer := AllocMem(ReadBuffer + 1); FillChar(Start,Sizeof(Start),#0); start.cb := SizeOf(start); start.hStdOutput := WritePipe; start.hStdInput := ReadPipe; start.dwFlags := STARTF_USESTDHANDLES + STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; start.wShowWindow := SW_HIDE;
if CreateProcess(nil, PChar(CmdLine), @Security, @Security, true, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, start, ProcessInfo) then begin repeat Apprunning := WaitForSingleObject (ProcessInfo.hProcess,100); ReadFile(ReadPipe,Buffer[0], ReadBuffer,BytesRead,nil); Buffer[BytesRead]:= #0; OemToAnsi(Buffer,Buffer); AMemo.Text := AMemo.text + String(Buffer);
Application.ProcessMessages; until (Apprunning <> WAIT_TIMEOUT); end; FreeMem(Buffer); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(ReadPipe); CloseHandle(WritePipe); end; Screen.Cursor:=CrDefault; Form1.Button1.Enabled:=True; end;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1.Clear; RunDosInMemo('ping -t',Memo1); end; |
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