Code: |
{******************************************} {2. by Ralph Friedman }
{ Question: I want to read out the binary-value "problems" of the path HKEY_DYN_DATA\Config Manager\Enum\[add the key of a hardware component] to detect if a hardware component is troubled and not working right. But I cannot handle the ReadBinaryData-Method of TRegistry correct. Everytime I use it, it always returns "4" as content of the buffer. How do I detect if the content of the binary-key "problems" is not "00 00 00 00" but something else like "16 00 00 00" or such? }
{Answer: Here's an example of ReadBinaryData }
procedure TFrmReadBinary.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); const CKeyName: string = 'System\Setup'; CValName: string = 'NetcardDlls'; var keyGood: boolean; p: integer; regKey: TRegistry; tmpStr: string; vSize: integer; begin regKey := TRegistry.Create; try regKey.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; keyGood := regKey.OpenKey(CKeyName, False);
if (keyGood) then begin vSize := regKey.GetDataSize(CValName);
if (vSize > 0) then begin SetLength(tmpStr, vSize); regKey.ReadBinaryData(CValName, tmpstr[1], vSize);
repeat p := Pos(#0, tmpStr);
if p <> 0 then begin Delete(tmpStr, p, 1); Insert(#13#10, tmpStr, p); end; until p = 0;
(*StringReplace(tmpStr, #0, #13#10, [rfReplaceAll]); *)
ListBox1.Items.Text := tmpStr; end; end; finally regKey.Free; end; end; |
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