Code: |
procedure AddDisableBMP(SB : array of TObject); var BM, SBM : TBitmap; w, x, y, NewColor, i : integer; PixelColor : TColor; begin BM := TBitmap.Create; SBM := TBitmap.Create; try for i := 0 to High(SB) do begin if (SB[i] is TSpeedButton) then BM.Assign((SB[i] as TSpeedButton).Glyph) else if (SB[i] is TBitBtn) then BM.Assign((SB[i] as TBitBtn).Glyph) else Exit;
if not Assigned(BM) or (BM.Width <> BM.Height) then Exit;
w := BM.Width; SBM.Width := w * 2; SBM.Height := w; SBM.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, BM);
for x := 0 to w - 1 do for y := 0 to w - 1 do begin PixelColor := ColorToRGB(BM.Canvas.Pixels[x, y]); NewColor := Round((((PixelColor shr 16) + ((PixelColor shr 8) and $00FF) + (PixelColor and $0000FF)) div 3)) div 2 + 96; BM.Canvas.Pixels[x, y] := RGB(NewColor, NewColor, NewColor); end;
SBM.Canvas.Draw(w, 0, BM);
if (SB[i] is TSpeedButton) then with (SB[i] as TSpeedButton) do begin Glyph.Assign(SBM); NumGlyphs := 2; end else with (SB[i] as TBitBtn) do begin Glyph.Assign(SBM); NumGlyphs := 2; end; BM := TBitmap.Create; SBM := TBitmap.Create; end; finally BM.Free; SBM.Free; end; end; |
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