В Delphi 2006 появилосьмногорасширенийязыка, втомчислеперегрузкаоператоров, "Class-like" записи. Чтопозволяетсоздаватьсобственныетипыданных (неклассы, аименнотипызначения)! Длядемонстрацииэтихвозможностейянаписалтип TDate дляработысдатами.
Code: |
unit DateType; {©Drkb v.3(2007): www.drkb.ru}
uses Windows, SysUtils;
type TYear = Integer; TMonth = 1..12; TDay = 1..31;
EInvalidDateFormat = class(Exception);
TDate = record private FValue: Integer; function GetText: string; procedure SetText(const Value: string); procedure SetValue(const Value: Integer); function GetDay: TDay; function GetMonth: TMonth; function GetYear: TYear; procedure SetDay(const NewDay: TDay); procedure SetMonth(const NewMonth: TMonth); procedure SetYear(const NewYear: TYear); function GetISODate: string; procedure SetISODate(const Value: string); property Value: Integer read FValue write SetValue; public classfunction Today: TDate; static; classfunction FromString(const S, FmtStr: string): TDate; static; classfunction ToString(Date: TDate; const FmtStr: string): string; static; function Format(const FmtStr: string): string; property Year: TYear read GetYear write SetYear; property Month: TMonth read GetMonth write SetMonth; property Day: TDay read GetDay write SetDay; property Text: stringread GetText write SetText; property ISODate: stringread GetISODate write SetISODate; public class operator Add(a: TDate; b: Integer): TDate; inline; class operator Subtract(a: TDate; b: Integer): TDate; inline; class operator Subtract(a: TDate; b: TDate): Integer; inline; class operator Implicit(a: Integer): TDate; inline; class operator Implicit(a: TDate): Integer; inline; class operator Implicit(a: TDateTime): TDate; inline; class operator Implicit(a: TDate): TDateTime; inline; class operator Inc(a: TDate): TDate; inline; class operator Dec(a: TDate): TDate; inline; class operator Equal(a, b: TDate): Boolean; inline; class operator NotEqual(a, b: TDate): Boolean; inline; class operator GreaterThan(a, b: TDate): Boolean; inline; class operator GreaterThanOrEqual(a, b: TDate): Boolean; inline; class operator LessThan(a, b: TDate): Boolean; inline; class operator LessThanOrEqual(a, b: TDate): Boolean; inline; end;
const January : TMonth = 1; February : TMonth = 2; March : TMonth = 3; April : TMonth = 4; May : TMonth = 5; June : TMonth = 6; July : TMonth = 7; August : TMonth = 8; September : TMonth = 9; October : TMonth = 10; November : TMonth = 11; December : TMonth = 12;
var EraStr: array[Boolean] ofstring = (' i.y.', ' ai i.y.'); DefaultDateFormat: string = 'DD.MM.YYYYE';
resourcestring SInvalidDateFormat = 'Invalid date format ''%s''';
type TSetOfChar = setof Char;
function IntToStr(const Value: Integer; L: Integer): string; overload; begin Result := SysUtils.IntToStr(Value); if Length(Result) < L then Result := StringOfChar('0', L - Length(Result)) + Result; end;
procedure DivMod(Dividend: Integer; Divisor: Integer; var Result, Remainder: Integer); inline; begin Result := Dividend div Divisor; Remainder := Dividend mod Divisor; end;
function ScanChars(var P: PChar; Chars: TSetOfChar): Integer; inline; begin Result := 0; while P^ in Chars do begin Inc(Result); Inc(P); end; end;
function ScanNum(var P: PChar; var Value: Integer): Boolean; inline; begin Result := False; Value := 0; while P^ in ['0'..'9'] do begin Value := (Value * 10) + Ord(P^) - Ord('0'); Inc(P); Result := True; end; end;
function ScanText(var P: PChar; Text: arrayofstring; varIndex: Integer): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin for I := Low(Text) to High(Text) do if AnsiSameText(Text[I], Copy(string(P), 1, Length(Text[I]))) then begin Index := I; Result := True; Exit; end; Result := False; end;
function EncodeDate(Year: TYear; Month: TMonth; Day: TDay): Integer; inline; var I, D: Integer; DayTable: PDayTable; begin DayTable := @MonthDays[IsLeapYear(Year)];
if Year >= 0then begin D := Day; for I := 1to Month - 1do Inc(D, DayTable^[I]); I := Year - 1; end else begin D := Day - DayTable^[Month]; for I := 12downto Month + 1do Dec(D, DayTable^[I]); I := Year + 1; end; Result := I * 365 + I div4 - I div100 + I div400 + D; end;
procedure DecodeDate(Date: Integer; var Year: TYear; var Month: TMonth; var Day: TDay); inline; const D1 = 365; D4 = D1 * 4 + 1; D100 = D4 * 25 - 1; D400 = D100 * 4 + 1; var Y, M, D, I: Integer; DayTable: PDayTable; T: Integer; begin if Date = 0then begin Year := -1; Month := 12; Day := 31; Exit; end elseif Date < 0then T := -Date + 1 else T := Date;
Dec(T); Y := 1; while T >= D400 do begin Dec(T, D400); Inc(Y, 400); end; DivMod(T, D100, I, D); if I = 4then begin Dec(I); Inc(D, D100); end; Inc(Y, I * 100); DivMod(D, D4, I, D); Inc(Y, I * 4); DivMod(D, D1, I, D); if I = 4then begin Dec(I); Inc(D, D1); end; Inc(Y, I); DayTable := @MonthDays[IsLeapYear(Y)]; if Date < 0then begin M := 1; if IsLeapYear(Y) then D := 365 - D else D := 364 - D; while True do begin I := DayTable^[M]; if D < I then Break; Dec(D, I); Inc(M); end; Y := -Y; end else begin M := 1; while True do begin I := DayTable^[M]; if D < I then Break; Dec(D, I); Inc(M); end; end;
Year := Y; Month := M; Day := D + 1; end;
{ TDate }
class operator TDate.Implicit(a: TDateTime): TDate; var Y, M, D: Word; begin SysUtils.DecodeDate(a, Y, M, D); Result.FValue := EncodeDate(Y, M, D); end;
class operator TDate.Implicit(a: TDate): TDateTime; var Y: TYear; M: TMonth; D: TDay; begin DecodeDate(a.FValue, Y, M, D); Result := SysUtils.EncodeDate(Y, M, D); end;
class operator TDate.Implicit(a: Integer): TDate; begin Result.FValue := a; end;
class operator TDate.Implicit(a: TDate): Integer; begin Result := a.FValue; end;
class operator TDate.Inc(a: TDate): TDate; begin Result.FValue := a.FValue + 1; end;
class operator TDate.Dec(a: TDate): TDate; begin Result.FValue := a.FValue - 1; end;
class operator TDate.Equal(a, b: TDate): Boolean; begin Result := a.FValue = b.FValue; end;
class operator TDate.NotEqual(a, b: TDate): Boolean; begin Result := a.FValue <> b.FValue; end;
class operator TDate.GreaterThan(a, b: TDate): Boolean; begin Result := a.FValue > b.FValue; end;
class operator TDate.GreaterThanOrEqual(a, b: TDate): Boolean; begin Result := a.FValue >= b.FValue; end;
class operator TDate.LessThan(a, b: TDate): Boolean; begin Result := a.FValue < b.FValue; end;
class operator TDate.LessThanOrEqual(a, b: TDate): Boolean; begin Result := a.FValue <= b.FValue; end;
class operator TDate.Add(a: TDate; b: Integer): TDate; begin Result.FValue := a.FValue + b; end;
class operator TDate.Subtract(a, b: TDate): Integer; begin Result := a.FValue - b.FValue; end;
class operator TDate.Subtract(a: TDate; b: Integer): TDate; begin Result.FValue := a.FValue - b; end;
classfunction TDate.Today: TDate; var SystemTime: TSystemTime; begin GetLocalTime(SystemTime); with SystemTime do Result.FValue := EncodeDate(wYear, wMonth, wDay); end;
classfunction TDate.FromString(const S, FmtStr: string): TDate;
procedure Error; begin raise EInvalidDateFormat.CreateResFmt(@SInvalidDateFormat, [S]); end;
var Fmt, Src: PChar; Y, M, D, E, L: Integer; HasY, HasM, HasD: Boolean; begin E := 1; Fmt := PChar(FmtStr); Src := PChar(S); HasY := False; HasM := False; HasD := False; while (Fmt^ <> #0) and (Src^ <> #0) do begin case Fmt^ of 'Y', 'y': begin ScanChars(Fmt, ['Y', 'y']); ifnot ScanNum(Src, Y) then Error; HasY := True; end; 'M', 'm': begin L := ScanChars(Fmt, ['M', 'm']); case L of 1, 2: ifnot ScanNum(Src, M) then Error; 3: ifnot ScanText(Src, ShortMonthNames, M) then Error; else ifnot ScanText(Src, LongMonthNames, M) then Error; end; HasM := True; end; 'D', 'd': begin ScanChars(Fmt, ['D', 'd']); ifnot ScanNum(Src, D) then Error; HasD := True; end; 'E', 'e': begin ScanChars(Fmt, ['E', 'e']); if ScanText(Src, EraStr, E) then if E = 1then E := -1; end; else Inc(Fmt); Inc(Src); end; end;
ifnot (HasY and HasM and HasD) then Error;
Result := EncodeDate(Y * E, M, D); end;
classfunction TDate.ToString(Date: TDate; const FmtStr: string): string; var Y: TYear; M: TMonth; D: TDay; P: PChar; L: Integer; begin Result := ''; DecodeDate(Date.Value, Y, M, D); P := PChar(FmtStr); while P^ <> #0do begin case P^ of 'E', 'e': begin L := ScanChars(P, ['E', 'e']); if (L > 1) or (Y < 0) then Result := Result + EraStr[Y < 0]; end; 'Y', 'y': begin L := ScanChars(P, ['Y', 'y']); Result := Result + IntToStr(Abs(Y), L); end; 'M', 'm': begin L := ScanChars(P, ['M', 'm']); case L of 1, 2: Result := Result + IntToStr(M, L); 3: Result := Result + ShortMonthNames[M]; else Result := Result + LongMonthNames[M]; end; end; 'D', 'd': begin L := ScanChars(P, ['D', 'd']); Result := Result + IntToStr(D, L); end; else begin Result := Result + P^; Inc(P); end; end; end; end;
function TDate.Format(const FmtStr: string): string; begin Result := TDate.ToString(Self, FmtStr); end;
function TDate.GetText: string; begin Result := Format(DefaultDateFormat); end;
procedure TDate.SetText(const Value: string); begin Self.Value := FromString(Value, DefaultDateFormat); end;
function TDate.GetDay: TDay; var Y: TYear; M: TMonth; begin DecodeDate(FValue, Y, M, Result); end;
function TDate.GetISODate: string; begin Result := Format('YYYY-MM-DD'); end;
function TDate.GetMonth: TMonth; var Y: TYear; D: TDay; begin DecodeDate(FValue, Y, Result, D); end;
function TDate.GetYear: TYear; var M: TMonth; D: TDay; begin DecodeDate(FValue, Result, M, D); end;
procedure TDate.SetDay(const NewDay: TDay); var Y: TYear; M: TMonth; D: TDay; begin DecodeDate(Value, Y, M, D); Value := EncodeDate(Y, M, NewDay); end;
procedure TDate.SetISODate(const Value: string); begin Self.Value := TDate.FromString(Value, 'YYYY-MM-DD'); end;
procedure TDate.SetMonth(const NewMonth: TMonth); var Y: TYear; M: TMonth; D: TDay; begin DecodeDate(Value, Y, M, D); Value := EncodeDate(Y, NewMonth, D); end;
procedure TDate.SetValue(const Value: Integer); begin FValue := Value; end;
procedure TDate.SetYear(const NewYear: TYear); var Y: TYear; M: TMonth; D: TDay; begin DecodeDate(Value, Y, M, D); Value := EncodeDate(NewYear, M, D); end;
end. |
Code: |
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Date: TDate; begin Label1.Caption := Date.Text; Date := TDate.Today; Label2.Caption := Date.Text; Dec(Date); Label3.Caption := Date.Text; Label4.Caption := IntToStr(TDate.Today - Date); Date := Now; Label5.Caption := Date.Format('DD MMM YYYY'); Date := MaxInt; Label6.Caption := Date.Text; Date.ISODate := '2009-11-25'; Label7.Caption := Date.Text; Date.Year := 1993; Label8.Caption := Date.Text; end; |
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