Раньше казалось, что невозможно было преодолеть нестабильность Windows-98. Но теперь мы видим, что Windows XP ее в этом преодолела.
Code: |
unit GsXPButton; { written by Jeff Caler, Please use this responsibly and freely in your applications, modify, etc, but dont take credit for my work, i wouldnt yours, I reserve all rights given by copyright in the US and other countries. No right to resell this component or it's code is given nor implied. Enjoy it responsibly. As in, Dont take my name out and put in yours. Thank you. Jeff Caler
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Buttons;
type TGsXPButton = class(TSpeedButton) private { Private declarations } eColor, eSelBackColor, eSelFontColor, eSelBorderColor: TColor; FActive: boolean; FButtonDown: Boolean; FForm: TScrollingWinControl; FStyle: integer; FDefault: boolean; Procedure CMMouseEnter( Var Message: TMessage ); Message CM_MOUSEENTER; Procedure CMMouseLeave( Var Message: TMessage ); Message CM_MOUSELEAVE; procedure SetForm(const Value: TScrollingWinControl);
protected { Protected declarations }
public { Public declarations } Selected: Boolean; constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent ); override; property Form: TScrollingWinControl read FForm write SetForm; Procedure Paint; Override; procedure SetActive(const Value: boolean); procedure SetStyle (const Value: integer); procedure SetDefault(const Value: boolean); Procedure Style0(AOwner : TComponent); Procedure Style1(AOwner : TComponent); published { Published declarations } property Active: boolean read FActive write SetActive; Property Color: TColor read eColor write eColor; property Default: Boolean read FDefault write SetDefault; property Flat default True; Property SelBackColor: TColor read eSelBackColor write eSelBackColor; Property SelBorderColor: TColor read eSelBorderColor write eSelBorderColor; Property SelFontColor: TColor read eSelFontColor write eSelFontColor; Property Style: integer read FStyle write SetStyle;
type TGsXPOkButton = class(TGsXPButton) private { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent ); override;
published { Published declarations } end;
type TGsXPCancelButton = class(TGsXPButton) private { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } constructor Create( AOwner : TComponent ); override;
published { Published declarations } end;
procedure Register;
constructor TGsXPButton.Create( AOwner : TComponent ); begin
inherited Create( AOwner ); ControlStyle:= ControlStyle + [csAcceptsControls]; Font.Color := clWindowText; Color := clBtnFace; FButtonDown := FALSE; Flat := True; FForm := Owner as TScrollingWinControl; Selected:= False; Height:= 22; SelFontColor := clHighLight; SelBackColor := clHighLightText; SelBorderColor := $0000A9E1; //Top:= 4; Transparent:= False; Width:= 65; Active := True; Style := 0; end;
procedure TGsXPButton.SetStyle(const Value: integer); begin if FStyle <> Value then begin FStyle := Value;
end; end;
Procedure TGsXPButton.CMMouseEnter( Var Message: TMessage ); Begin //hmmm, no selected property either ehhh.
//Flicker GONE! If Selected = False then begin Selected := True; RePaint; end else Selected := True; exit;
Procedure TGsXPButton.CMMouseLeave( Var Message: TMessage ); Begin
Selected:= False; FButtonDown := FALSE; RePaint; IF Selected = False then exit;
procedure TGsXPButton.SetForm(const Value: TScrollingWinControl); var Hold: boolean; begin if Value <> FForm then begin Hold := Active; Active := false; FForm := Value; if Hold then Active := True; end; end;
procedure TGsXPButton.SetActive(const Value: boolean); begin
FActive := Value;
procedure TGsXPButton.SetDefault(const Value: boolean); begin FDefault := Value; end;
function NewColor(Canvas: TCanvas; clr: TColor; Value: integer): TColor; var r, g, b: integer;
begin if Value > 100 then Value := 100; clr := ColorToRGB(clr); r := Clr and $000000FF; g := (Clr and $0000FF00) shr 8; b := (Clr and $00FF0000) shr 16;
r := r + Round((255 - r) * (value / 100)); g := g + Round((255 - g) * (value / 100)); b := b + Round((255 - b) * (value / 100));
Result := Windows.GetNearestColor(Canvas.Handle, RGB(r, g, b));
Procedure TGsXPButton.style0(AOwner : TComponent); var Gbtn: TGsXPButton; Right, Bottom: integer; Selector, txtRect, ARect, iconRect, FRect: TRect; FColor, FSelBackColor, FSelFontColor: TColor; FSelBorderColor: TColor; SelText: String; TextFormat: integer; x1, y1 : integer; i,v : integer; CWidth, CHeight: INTEGER; begin inherited; Gbtn:= TGsXPButton(Self); FColor := eColor; FSelBackColor := eSelBackColor; FSelFontColor := eSelFontColor; Bottom := (Gbtn.Canvas.ClipRect.Bottom); Right := (Gbtn.Canvas.ClipRect.Right); ARect.Top := (Gbtn.Canvas.ClipRect.Top); ARect.Right := Right; ARect.Bottom := Bottom; Arect.Left := (Gbtn.Canvas.ClipRect.Left); TextFormat := DT_Left; SelText :=( ' ' + (Gbtn.Caption));
If Gbtn.Active then Gbtn.Style := 0; begin Flat:= True; font.Color := font.Color; Color := FColor;
Selector := Rect( ARect.Left , ARect.Top , ARect.right , ARect.bottom );
FRect:= Rect(Arect.Left+3,Arect.Top +3, Arect.Right -3, Arect.Bottom -3);
//capture the image rect and layout image and text //Heavy on the math...
if not Glyph.Empty then begin if Layout = blGlyphLeft then begin SelText:= SelText;
iconRect:=(Glyph.Canvas.ClipRect); CWidth:=(Glyph.Width + Canvas.TextWidth(SelText));
iconRect.Left := (ARect.Right - CWidth) div 2; iconRect.Top := (ARect.Bottom - Glyph.Height) div 2 ; iconRect.Right := (iconRect.Left + Glyph.Width); iconRect.Bottom := (iconRect.Top + Glyph.Height); x1:= (iconRect.Right); y1:= (Arect.Bottom - Canvas.TextHeight(SelText)) div 2; TxtRect:= Rect (X1,Y1, Selector.Right, Selector.Bottom ); end else if Layout = blGlyphRight then begin Seltext := SelText + ' ';
iconRect:=(Glyph.Canvas.ClipRect); CWidth:=(Glyph.Width + Canvas.TextWidth(SelText)); TxtRect:= (Gbtn.Canvas.ClipRect);
TxtRect.Left := (ARect.Right - CWidth) div 2; TxtRect.Top := (Arect.Bottom - Canvas.TextHeight(SelText)) div 2; TxtRect.Right := (TxtRect.Left + Canvas.TextWidth(SelText)); TxtRect.Bottom := (TxtRect.Top + Canvas.TextHeight(SelText));
IconRect.Left := (TxtRect.Right); iconRect.Top := (ARect.Bottom - Glyph.Height) div 2 ; iconRect.Right := (iconRect.Left + Glyph.Width); iconRect.Bottom := (iconRect.Top + Glyph.Height); end else if Layout = blGlyphTop then begin SelText := SelText; iconRect:=(Glyph.Canvas.ClipRect); CHeight:= (Canvas.TextHeight(SelText)+ Glyph.Height);
TxtRect:= (Gbtn.Canvas.ClipRect);
IconRect.Left := (Canvas.ClipRect.Right div 2) - (glyph.Width div 2); iconRect.Top := (ARect.Bottom div 2) - ((glyph.Height + Canvas.TextHeight(Seltext)) div 2) ; iconRect.Right := (iconRect.Left + Glyph.Width); iconRect.Bottom := (iconRect.Top + Glyph.Height);
TxtRect.Left := (ARect.Right div 2) - (Canvas.TextWidth(Seltext) div 2); TxtRect.Top := (iconRect.Bottom + 2); TxtRect.Right := (TxtRect.Left + Canvas.TextWidth(SelText)); TxtRect.Bottom := (TxtRect.Top + Canvas.TextHeight(SelText)); end else if Layout = blGlyphBottom then begin SelText := SelText; iconRect:=(Glyph.Canvas.ClipRect); CHeight:= (Canvas.TextHeight(SelText)+ Glyph.Height);
TxtRect:= (Gbtn.Canvas.ClipRect);
TxtRect.Left := (ARect.Right div 2) - (Canvas.TextWidth(Seltext) div 2); TxtRect.Top := (ARect.Bottom div 2) - ((glyph.Height + Canvas.TextHeight(Seltext)) div 2) ; TxtRect.Right := (TxtRect.Left + Canvas.TextWidth(SelText)); TxtRect.Bottom := (TxtRect.Top + Canvas.TextHeight(SelText));
IconRect.Left := (Canvas.ClipRect.Right div 2) - (glyph.Width div 2); iconRect.Top := (txtRect.Bottom + 2) ; iconRect.Right := (iconRect.Left + Glyph.Width); iconRect.Bottom := (iconRect.Top + Glyph.Height); end; end else if Glyph.Empty Then begin SelText := SelText; x1:= (Arect.Right - Canvas.TextWidth(SelText))div 2; y1:= (Arect.Bottom - Canvas.TextHeight(SelText)) div 2; TxtRect:= Rect (X1,Y1, Selector.Right, Selector.Bottom ); end;
Canvas.Brush.Style:= bsSolid; Canvas.Brush.Color := FColor; Canvas.FillRect(ARect);
IF GBtn.Default THEN IF not Selected then If not Gbtn.MouseCapture then begin v:=0; Selector.top := Selector.bottom - 1; for i := ARect.bottom downto ARect.top do begin if (Selector.top < ARect.bottom) and (Selector.top > Arect.bottom + 5) then inc(v, 1) else inc(v, 2);
if v > 96 then v := 96;
Canvas.Brush.Color := NewColor(Canvas, $00FF8080, v); Canvas.FillRect(Selector); Selector.top := Selector.top -1; Selector.bottom := Selector.top + 1;
Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; Canvas.Pen.color := $00984E00; Canvas.RoundRect(ARect.Left , Arect.top , Arect.right , Arect.bottom , 5, 5);
Canvas.Brush.Style:= bsSolid; Canvas.Brush.Color := FSelBackColor; Canvas.FillRect(FRect);
//draw the text
DrawtextEx(Gbtn.Canvas.Handle, PChar(SelText), Length(SelText), txtRect, TextFormat, nil); if not gbtn.Glyph.Empty THEN Canvas.Rectangle (iconRect); begin Canvas.CopyRect(IconRect,Canvas,(GBtn.Glyph.Canvas.ClipRect)); Canvas.BrushCopy (IconRect, Glyph,(GBtn.Glyph.Canvas.ClipRect),(clBlue)); Gbtn.Glyph.FreeImage;
end; end; end;
If Gbtn.Selected then if not gbtn.MouseCapture then begin //gradient begin v:=0; Selector.top := Selector.bottom - 1; for i := ARect.bottom downto ARect.top do begin if (Selector.top < ARect.bottom) and (Selector.top > Arect.bottom + 5) then inc(v, 1) else inc(v, 3);
if v > 96 then v := 96;
Canvas.Brush.Color := NewColor(Canvas, $0000A9E1, v); Canvas.FillRect(Selector);
Selector.top := Selector.top -1; Selector.bottom := Selector.top + 1;
Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; Canvas.Pen.color := $00984E00; Canvas.RoundRect(ARect.Left , Arect.top , Arect.right , Arect.bottom , 5, 5);
Canvas.Brush.Style:= bsSolid; Canvas.Brush.Color := FSelBackColor; Canvas.FillRect(FRect);
Canvas.Font.color := FSelFontColor;
DrawtextEx(Gbtn.Canvas.Handle, PChar(SelText), Length(SelText), txtRect, TextFormat, nil);
if not gbtn.Glyph.Empty THEN Canvas.Rectangle (iconRect); begin Canvas.CopyRect(IconRect,Canvas,(GBtn.Glyph.Canvas.ClipRect)); Canvas.BrushCopy (IconRect, Glyph,(GBtn.Glyph.Canvas.ClipRect),(clBlue)); Gbtn.Glyph.FreeImage;
end; end; end;
//draw the outline Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; Canvas.Pen.color := $00984E00; Canvas.RoundRect(ARect.Left, ARect.top, ARect.right, ARect.bottom, 5, 5);
//override the button canvas Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid; Canvas.Brush.Color:= FColor; Canvas.FillRect(Frect);
//over ride the text DrawtextEx(Gbtn.Canvas.Handle, PChar(SelText), Length(SelText), txtRect, TextFormat, nil);
if not gbtn.Glyph.Empty THEN Canvas.Rectangle (iconRect); begin Canvas.CopyRect(IconRect,Canvas,(GBtn.Glyph.Canvas.ClipRect)); Canvas.BrushCopy (IconRect, Glyph,(GBtn.Glyph.Canvas.ClipRect),(clBlue)); gbtn.Glyph.FreeImage;
end; end;
Procedure TGsXPButton.Style1(AOwner : TComponent); var Gbtn: TGsXPButton; Right, Bottom: integer; Selector, txtRect, ARect, iconRect, FRect: TRect; FColor, FSelBackColor, FSelFontColor: TColor; FSelBorderColor: TColor; SelText: String; TextFormat: integer; x1, y1 : integer; i,v : integer; CWidth, CHeight: INTEGER; begin inherited; //let the games begin Gbtn:= TGsXPButton(Self); FColor := eColor; FSelBackColor := eSelBackColor; FSelFontColor := eSelFontColor; Bottom := (Gbtn.Canvas.ClipRect.Bottom); Right := (Gbtn.Canvas.ClipRect.Right); ARect.Top := (Gbtn.Canvas.ClipRect.Top); ARect.Right := Right; ARect.Bottom := Bottom; Arect.Left := (Gbtn.Canvas.ClipRect.Left); TextFormat := DT_Left; SelText :=( ' ' + (Gbtn.Caption));
If Gbtn.Active then Gbtn.Style := 1; begin Flat:= True; font.Color := font.Color; Color := FColor;
Selector := Rect( ARect.Left , ARect.Top , ARect.right , ARect.bottom );
FRect:= Rect(Arect.Left+3,Arect.Top +3, Arect.Right -3, Arect.Bottom -3);
//capture the image rect and layout image and text //Heavy on the math...
if not Glyph.Empty then begin if Layout = blGlyphLeft then begin SelText:= SelText;
iconRect:=(Glyph.Canvas.ClipRect); CWidth:=(Glyph.Width + Canvas.TextWidth(SelText));
iconRect.Left := (ARect.Right - CWidth) div 2; iconRect.Top := (ARect.Bottom - Glyph.Height) div 2 ; iconRect.Right := (iconRect.Left + Glyph.Width); iconRect.Bottom := (iconRect.Top + Glyph.Height); x1:= (iconRect.Right); y1:= (Arect.Bottom - Canvas.TextHeight(SelText)) div 2; TxtRect:= Rect (X1,Y1, Selector.Right, Selector.Bottom ); end else if Layout = blGlyphRight then begin Seltext := SelText + ' ';
iconRect:=(Glyph.Canvas.ClipRect); CWidth:=(Glyph.Width + Canvas.TextWidth(SelText)); TxtRect:= (Gbtn.Canvas.ClipRect);
TxtRect.Left := (ARect.Right - CWidth) div 2; TxtRect.Top := (Arect.Bottom - Canvas.TextHeight(SelText)) div 2; TxtRect.Right := (TxtRect.Left + Canvas.TextWidth(SelText)); TxtRect.Bottom := (TxtRect.Top + Canvas.TextHeight(SelText));
IconRect.Left := (TxtRect.Right); iconRect.Top := (ARect.Bottom - Glyph.Height) div 2 ; iconRect.Right := (iconRect.Left + Glyph.Width); iconRect.Bottom := (iconRect.Top + Glyph.Height); end else if Layout = blGlyphTop then begin SelText := SelText; iconRect:=(Glyph.Canvas.ClipRect); CHeight:= (Canvas.TextHeight(SelText)+ Glyph.Height) div 2;
TxtRect:= (Gbtn.Canvas.ClipRect);
IconRect.Left := (Canvas.ClipRect.Right div 2) - (glyph.Width div 2); iconRect.Top := (ARect.Bottom div 2) - (CHeight) ; iconRect.Right := (iconRect.Left + Glyph.Width); iconRect.Bottom := (iconRect.Top + Glyph.Height);
TxtRect.Left := (ARect.Right div 2) - (Canvas.TextWidth(Seltext) div 2); TxtRect.Top := (iconRect.Bottom + 2); TxtRect.Right := (TxtRect.Left + Canvas.TextWidth(SelText)); TxtRect.Bottom := (TxtRect.Top + Canvas.TextHeight(SelText)); end else if Layout = blGlyphBottom then begin SelText := SelText; iconRect:=(Glyph.Canvas.ClipRect); TxtRect:= (Gbtn.Canvas.ClipRect);
TxtRect.Left := (ARect.Right div 2) - (Canvas.TextWidth(Seltext) div 2); TxtRect.Top := (ARect.Bottom div 2) - ((glyph.Height + Canvas.TextHeight(Seltext)) div 2) ; TxtRect.Right := (TxtRect.Left + Canvas.TextWidth(SelText)); TxtRect.Bottom := (TxtRect.Top + Canvas.TextHeight(SelText));
IconRect.Left := (Canvas.ClipRect.Right div 2) - (glyph.Width div 2); iconRect.Top := (txtRect.Bottom + 2) ; iconRect.Right := (iconRect.Left + Glyph.Width); iconRect.Bottom := (iconRect.Top + Glyph.Height); end; end else if Glyph.Empty Then begin SelText := SelText; x1:= (Arect.Right - Canvas.TextWidth(SelText))div 2; y1:= (Arect.Bottom - Canvas.TextHeight(SelText)) div 2; TxtRect:= Rect (X1,Y1, Selector.Right, Selector.Bottom ); end;
Canvas.Brush.Style:= bsSolid; Canvas.Brush.Color := FColor; Canvas.FillRect(ARect);
IF GBtn.Default THEN IF not Selected then If not Gbtn.MouseCapture then begin v:=0; Selector.top := Selector.bottom - 1; for i := ARect.bottom downto ARect.top do begin if (Selector.top < ARect.bottom) and (Selector.top > Arect.bottom + 5) then inc(v, 1) else inc(v, 2);
if v > 96 then v := 96;
Canvas.Brush.Color := NewColor(Canvas, $00FF8080, v); Canvas.FillRect(Selector); Selector.top := Selector.top -1; Selector.bottom := Selector.top + 1;
Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; Canvas.Pen.color := $00984E00; Canvas.Rectangle(ARect.Left , Arect.top , Arect.right , Arect.bottom );
Canvas.Brush.Style:= bsSolid; Canvas.Brush.Color := FSelBackColor; Canvas.FillRect(FRect);
//draw the text
DrawtextEx(Gbtn.Canvas.Handle, PChar(SelText), Length(SelText), txtRect, TextFormat, nil);
end; end;
If Gbtn.Selected then if not gbtn.MouseCapture then begin //gradient begin v:=0; Selector.top := Selector.bottom - 1; for i := ARect.bottom downto ARect.top do begin if (Selector.top < ARect.bottom) and (Selector.top > Arect.bottom + 5) then inc(v, 1) else inc(v, 3);
if v > 96 then v := 96;
Canvas.Brush.Color := NewColor(Canvas, $0000A9E1, v); Canvas.FillRect(Selector);
Selector.top := Selector.top -1; Selector.bottom := Selector.top + 1;
Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; Canvas.Pen.color := $00984E00; Canvas.Rectangle(ARect.Left , Arect.top , Arect.right , Arect.bottom );
Canvas.Brush.Style:= bsSolid; Canvas.Brush.Color := FSelBackColor; Canvas.FillRect(FRect);
Canvas.Font.color := FSelFontColor;
DrawtextEx(Gbtn.Canvas.Handle, PChar(SelText), Length(SelText), txtRect, TextFormat, nil);
end; end;
//draw the outline Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; Canvas.Pen.color := $00984E00; Canvas.Rectangle(ARect.Left, ARect.top, ARect.right, ARect.bottom);
//override the button canvas Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid; Canvas.Brush.Color:= FColor; Canvas.FillRect(Frect);
//over ride the text DrawtextEx(Gbtn.Canvas.Handle, PChar(SelText), Length(SelText), txtRect, TextFormat, nil);
if not gbtn.Glyph.Empty THEN Canvas.Rectangle (iconRect); begin Canvas.CopyRect(IconRect,Canvas,(GBtn.Glyph.Canvas.ClipRect)); Canvas.BrushCopy (IconRect, Glyph,(GBtn.Glyph.Canvas.ClipRect),(clBlue)); gbtn.Glyph.FreeImage; end; end;
Procedure TGsXPButton.Paint; var Gbtn: TGsXPButton; begin //this grabs all the speedbuttons properties inherited; //protect our design environment if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin Gbtn:= TGsXPButton(Self);
If Gbtn.Active then If Gbtn.Style = 0 then begin Style0(Self); end else If Gbtn.Style = 1 then begin Style1(Self); end; end; end;
//Begin Ok Button //inherits from the GSXPButton. only caption changed //same for cancel button. //make mods to main button, changes are inherited.
constructor TGsXPOkButton.Create( AOwner : TComponent ); begin // Don't forget to call the ancestor's constructor inherited Create( AOwner ); Caption := '&OK';
//Begin Cancel Button
constructor TGsXPCancelButton.Create( AOwner : TComponent ); begin inherited Create( AOwner ); Caption := '&Cancel'; end;
procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('GenieOSTools', [TGsXPButton, TGsXPOKButton, TGsXPCancelButton]); end;
end. |
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