Code: |
//Saving and restoring font properties in the registry Uses typInfo, Registry; Function GetFontProp( anObj: TObject) : TFont; Var PInfo: PPropInfo; Begin { try to get a pointer to the property information for a property with the name 'Font'. TObject.ClassInfo returns a pointer to the RTTI table, which we need to pass to GetPropInfo } PInfo := GetPropInfo( anObj.ClassInfo, 'font' ); Result := Nil; If PInfo <> Nil Then { found a property with this name, check if it has the correct type } If (PInfo^.Proptype^.Kind = tkClass) and GetTypeData(PInfo^.Proptype^)^.ClassType.InheritsFrom(TFont) Then Result := TFont(GetOrdProp( anObj, PInfo )); End; { GetfontProp } Function StyleToString( styles: TFontStyles ): String; var style: TFontStyle; Begin Result := '['; For style := Low(style) To High(style) Do Begin If style IN styles Then Begin If Length(result) > 1 Then result := result + ','; result := result + GetEnumname( typeInfo(TFontStyle), Ord(style)); End; { If } End; { For } Result := Result + ']'; End; { StyleToString } Function StringToStyle( S: String ): TFontStyles; Var sl : TStringlist; style: TfontStyle; i : Integer; Begin Result := []; If Length(S) < 2 Then Exit; If S[1] = '[' Then Delete(S, 1, 1); If S[Length(S)] = ']' Then Delete(S, Length(S), 1); If Length(S) = 0 Then Exit; sl:= TStringlist.Create; try sl.commatext := S; For i := 0 To sl.Count-1 Do Begin try style := TFontStyle( GetEnumValue( Typeinfo(TFontStyle), sl[i] )); Include( Result, style ); except end; End; { For } finally end; End; { StringToStyle } Procedure SaveFontProperties( forControl: TControl; toIni: TRegInifile; const section: String ); Var font: TFont; basename: String; Begin Assert( Assigned( toIni )); font := GetFontProp( forControl ); If not Assigned( font ) Then Exit; basename := forControl.Name+'.Font.'; toIni.WriteInteger( Section, basename+'Charset', font.charset ); toIni.WriteString ( Section, basename+'Name', font.Name ); toIni.WriteInteger( Section, basename+'Size', font.size ); toIni.WriteString ( Section, basename+'Color', '$'+IntToHex(font.color,8)); toIni.WriteString ( Section, basename+'Style', StyleToString( font.Style )); End; { SaveFontProperties } Procedure RestoreFontProperties( forControl: TControl; toIni: TRegInifile; const section: String ); Var font: TFont; basename: String; Begin Assert( Assigned( toIni )); font := GetFontProp( forControl ); If not Assigned( font ) Then Exit; basename := forControl.Name+'.Font.'; font.Charset := toIni.ReadInteger( Section, basename+'Charset', font.charset ); font.Name := toIni.ReadString ( Section, basename+'Name', font.Name ); font.Size := toIni.ReadInteger( Section, basename+'Size', font.size ); font.Color := TColor( StrToInt( toIni.ReadString ( Section, basename+'Color', '$'+IntToHex(font.color,8)) )); font.Style := StringToStyle( toIni.ReadString ( Section, basename+'Style', StyleToString( font.Style )) ); End; { RestoreFontProperties } |
It is also possible to wrap a font into a small component and stream it:
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