Code: |
//Saving and restoring font properties in the registry Uses typInfo, Registry; Function GetFontProp( anObj: TObject) : TFont; Var PInfo: PPropInfo; Begin { try to get a pointer to the property information for a property with the name 'Font'. TObject.ClassInfo returns a pointer to the RTTI table, which we need to pass to GetPropInfo } PInfo := GetPropInfo( anObj.ClassInfo, 'font' ); Result := Nil; If PInfo <> Nil Then { found a property with this name, check if it has the correct type } If (PInfo^.Proptype^.Kind = tkClass) and GetTypeData(PInfo^.Proptype^)^.ClassType.InheritsFrom(TFont) Then Result := TFont(GetOrdProp( anObj, PInfo )); End; { GetfontProp } Function StyleToString( styles: TFontStyles ): String; var style: TFontStyle; Begin Result := '['; For style := Low(style) To High(style) Do Begin If style IN styles Then Begin If Length(result) > 1 Then result := result + ','; result := result + GetEnumname( typeInfo(TFontStyle), Ord(style)); End; { If } End; { For } Result := Result + ']'; End; { StyleToString } Function StringToStyle( S: String ): TFontStyles; Var sl : TStringlist; style: TfontStyle; i : Integer; Begin Result := []; If Length(S) < 2 Then Exit; If S[1] = '[' Then Delete(S, 1, 1); If S[Length(S)] = ']' Then Delete(S, Length(S), 1); If Length(S) = 0 Then Exit; sl:= TStringlist.Create; try sl.commatext := S; For i := 0 To sl.Count-1 Do Begin try style := TFontStyle( GetEnumValue( Typeinfo(TFontStyle), sl[i] )); Include( Result, style ); except end; End; { For } finally end; End; { StringToStyle } Procedure SaveFontProperties( forControl: TControl; toIni: TRegInifile; const section: String ); Var font: TFont; basename: String; Begin Assert( Assigned( toIni )); font := GetFontProp( forControl ); If not Assigned( font ) Then Exit; basename := forControl.Name+'.Font.'; toIni.WriteInteger( Section, basename+'Charset', font.charset ); toIni.WriteString ( Section, basename+'Name', font.Name ); toIni.WriteInteger( Section, basename+'Size', font.size ); toIni.WriteString ( Section, basename+'Color', '$'+IntToHex(font.color,8)); toIni.WriteString ( Section, basename+'Style', StyleToString( font.Style )); End; { SaveFontProperties } Procedure RestoreFontProperties( forControl: TControl; toIni: TRegInifile; const section: String ); Var font: TFont; basename: String; Begin Assert( Assigned( toIni )); font := GetFontProp( forControl ); If not Assigned( font ) Then Exit; basename := forControl.Name+'.Font.'; font.Charset := toIni.ReadInteger( Section, basename+'Charset', font.charset ); font.Name := toIni.ReadString ( Section, basename+'Name', font.Name ); font.Size := toIni.ReadInteger( Section, basename+'Size', font.size ); font.Color := TColor( StrToInt( toIni.ReadString ( Section, basename+'Color', '$'+IntToHex(font.color,8)) )); font.Style := StringToStyle( toIni.ReadString ( Section, basename+'Style', StyleToString( font.Style )) ); End; { RestoreFontProperties } |
It is also possible to wrap a font into a small component and stream it:
Code: |
type TFontWrapper= class( TComponent ) private FFont: TFont; Constructor Create( aOwner: TComponent ); override; Destructor Destroy; override; Procedure SetFont( value: TFont ); published property Font: TFont read FFont write SetFont; end; { TFontWrapper } constructor TFontWrapper.Create(aOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; FFont :=TFont.Create; end; destructor TFontWrapper.Destroy; begin FFOnt.Free; inherited; end; procedure TFontWrapper.SetFont(value: TFont); begin FFont.Assign( value ); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var helper: TFontWrapper; begin If not Assigned(ms) then ms:= TMemoryStream.Create Else ms.Clear; helper := TFontWrapper.Create( nil ); try helper.font := label1.font; ms.WriteComponent( helper ); finally; end; { finally } label1.font.size := label1.font.size + 2; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var helper: TFontWrapper; begin If not Assigned(ms) then Exit; ms.Position := 0; helper := TFontWrapper.Create( nil ); try ms.ReadComponent( helper ); label1.font := helper.font; finally; end; { finally } end; |
Code: |
function FontToStr(font: TFont): string; procedure yes(var str: string); begin
str := str + 'y'; end; procedure no(var str: string); begin
str := str + 'n'; end; begin
{кодируем все атрибуты TFont в строку} Result := ''; Result := Result + IntToStr(font.Color) + '|'; Result := Result + IntToStr(font.Height) + '|'; Result := Result + font.Name + '|'; Result := Result + IntToStr(Ord(font.Pitch)) + '|'; Result := Result + IntToStr(font.PixelsPerInch) + '|'; Result := Result + IntToStr(font.size) + '|'; if fsBold in then yes(Result) else no(Result); if fsItalic in then yes(Result) else no(Result); if fsUnderline in then yes(Result) else no(Result); if fsStrikeout in then yes(Result) else no(Result); end;
procedure StrToFont(str: string; font: TFont); begin
if str = '' then Exit; font.Color := StrToInt(tok('|', str)); font.Height := StrToInt(tok('|', str)); font.Name := tok('|', str); font.Pitch := TFontPitch(StrToInt(tok('|', str))); font.PixelsPerInch := StrToInt(tok('|', str)); font.Size := StrToInt(tok('|', str)); font.Style := []; if str[0] = 'y' then font.Style := font.Style + [fsBold]; if str[1] = 'y' then font.Style := font.Style + [fsItalic]; if str[2] = 'y' then font.Style := font.Style + [fsUnderline]; if str[3] = 'y' then font.Style := font.Style + [fsStrikeout]; end;
function tok(sep: string; var s: string): string;
function isoneof(c, s: string): Boolean; var iTmp: integer; begin Result := False; for iTmp := 1 to Length(s) do begin if c = Copy(s, iTmp, 1) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; end; var
c, t: string; begin
if s = '' then begin Result := s; Exit; end; c := Copy(s, 1, 1); while isoneof(c, sep) do begin s := Copy(s, 2, Length(s) - 1); c := Copy(s, 1, 1); end; t := ''; while (not isoneof(c, sep)) and (s <> '') do begin t := t + c; s := Copy(s, 2, length(s) - 1); c := Copy(s, 1, 1); end; Result := t; end; |
Нужно сохранять атрибуты шрифта (имя, размер и т.п.) а не сам обьект TFont. После считывания этой информации следует проверить существует ли такой шрифт, прежде чем его использовать. Чтобы не показаться голословным дополню ответ Borland'а своим примером сохранения/чтения шрифта в/из реестра
Code: |
procedure SaveFontToRegistry(Font: TFont; SubKey: string); var R: TRegistry; FontStyleInt: byte; FS: TFontStyles; begin R := TRegistry.Create; try FS := Font.Style; Move(FS, FontStyleInt, 1); R.OpenKey(SubKey, True); R.WriteString('Font Name', Font.Name); R.WriteInteger('Color', Font.Color); R.WriteInteger('CharSet', Font.Charset); R.WriteInteger('Size', Font.Size); R.WriteInteger('Style', FontStyleInt); finally R.Free; end; end;
function ReadFontFromRegistry(Font: TFont; SubKey: string): boolean; var R: TRegistry; FontStyleInt: byte; FS: TFontStyles; begin R := TRegistry.Create; try result := R.OpenKey(SubKey, false); if not result then exit; Font.Name := R.ReadString('Font Name'); Font.Color := R.ReadInteger('Color'); Font.Charset := R.ReadInteger('CharSet'); Font.Size := R.ReadInteger('Size'); FontStyleInt := R.ReadInteger('Style'); Move(FontStyleInt, FS, 1); Font.Style := FS; finally R.Free; end; end;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if FontDialog1.Execute then begin SaveFontToRegistry(FontDialog1.Font, 'Delphi Kingdom\Fonts'); end; end;
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var NFont: TFont; begin NFont := TFont.Create; if ReadFontFromRegistry(NFont, 'Delphi Kingdom\Fonts') then begin //здесь добавить проверку - существует ли шрифт Label1.Font.Assign(NFont); NFont.Free; end; end; |
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